

  • Dogs in Yellow Day raises awareness about anxious and reactive dogs. They need some space, love and care so that their environment seems less frightening to them.

    Our world can be incredibly scary for anxious dogs, being unpredictable and a little too much for them to handle. That’s why such dogs need someone they can trust to help them navigate their environment. They are still good dogs, even though they may not be keen on socializing with other dogs.

    If you encounter such an animal, be kind, give them their space, and avoid being judgemental.

    History of the day

    Dogs in Yellow Day was founded by Sarah Jones whose dog Bella was attacked by another dog when she was a puppy. As a result, Bella developed a fear of other dogs. Whenever she met other dogs, it left her terrified.

    Bella would growl or lunge at other dogs because she was scared. Passers-by often threw her pitiful or angry looks and dragged their dogs away from her. Jones wanted to find a way for Bella and other anxious dogs to be understood, so she started the #dogsinyellow campaign. She is a firm believer that through compassionate awareness-raising, the message will reach more unknowing dog owners and spread the understanding of anxious dogs worldwide.

    For more than 12,000 years, dogs have lived with humans as protectors, hunting companions, objects of adoration or scorn, and friends.

    Some historians say humans domesticated wolves around 10,000 years ago, while others claim 30,000. Some say this domestication began in Europe, others in the Middle East or East Asia. Other theories say that early human hunter-gatherers actively tamed and bred wolves.

    Still, other narratives state that wolves domesticated themselves by scavenging the carcasses human hunters left behind or lingering around campfires. They grew more welcoming with every generation until they became enduring friends.

    Today, dogs are regarded differently in various parts of the world. In Western society, characteristics of friendship, protectiveness, loyalty, and affection have earned dogs a prominent position while in the United States and Europe, the care of dogs has grown into a multibillion-dollar business.

    However, in some of the developing nations and many regions of Asia, dogs are not regarded with love. They are used as beasts of burden, guards, or even for food.