Clyde – you came to our family through a friend of a friend as a sweet little bundle of orange energy. You grew into a sweet and lovable big bundle of orange energy. You and Bear became best friends instantly. I always knew that wherever you were, Bear would be there too and vice versa. I know you were sad when Bear left for the Bridge but after a little time, you and Gibbson found that special bond. I loved to see the two of you cuddled together and there were times when you even let his little sister join the cuddle puddle. I wish I could have saved you sweet boy. You were supposed to go to the vet that evening, but you took matters into your own paws. You never did like car rides. There are times when I swear, I can see you walking by or sitting up high on the cat tree – your favorite spot. Gibbson and I are a little lost without you, but we are sticking together. I hope you have found all your brothers by now. We miss you and will forever love you.
2016-04-01 — 2023-04-02