On January 5 ,2022 boss baby blanca (stinker,dinker ,dinkybutt,boss baby) gained her wings and made her way to heaven early this morning. I never imagined this for our baby. When we got her we were not ready so unprepared it all happened so fast but we got ready. you were so perfect so pretty and stubborn and sassy different and unique just like your mom. It was your way or no way. One day your dad woke up and booked a flight to come get you in may 31 2021 and i knew it was real. When we came up with your name we were joking around but everyone loved it and it stuck with you. sadly we only had 8 hard rough months together but you were the star of the whole year our happiness. You made the long days short. Her brothers king and royal sends there love. If we could just have one more day with you god knows we would give it all. I’ll miss you barking every time you didn’t get your way or when you heard us speaking and we didn’t let you out. The greetings every time you seen us you let it be known you were there. Dinker you broke us with this but we know your here still with us forever in our hearts . We love you boss baby Blanca. Now your in Heaven with bouji run forever as fast as you can. You made it your at peace.
Griselda De
2021-03-31 — 2022-01-05