Kobey Foster age 10 our beloved pet – more human though, went to be in heaven on July 3, 2020. Birthdate June 4, 2010. His mama was a Siberian Husky and his father was an Australlian Cattle Dog He will truly be missed by so many human friends and his dog friends as well. He came into our lives from someone asking at Kelly's workplace if any one wanted any puppies – you know rest of story. Kobey's masters are Kelly Foster and Jeff Sowers but it was more like the other way around. Kobey loved his walks and car rides and could not go without either one of them. If it was raining out he pouted all day knowing he could not get either one of them. Kobey was very smart very human like of course Jeff and Kelly talked to him since he was a puppy as if he was a human. He loved his ice cubes. Had to have lots of ice in the house. Last but least, he leaves behind immediate family, Joan and George, Aunt Cheryl and Candie their dogs, Olllie and Annie, and Sue and Larry, Ruth and Sam many friends John and Gerrie, Ryan and Erin, his Dog Groomer Lorraine, and his neighbors Terri and Lew and Sharon who would watch over him while we were away on vacation. Kobey leaves a brother behind and his name is Max, happy and healthy.
2010-06-04 — 2020-07-03