Sasha Jay was born on August 12, 2010. She was an outside kitten, until she decided to let her family bring her inside and “rescue” her. However, once she became an unruly teenager, she would often escape and return with child! After her parents rehomed her illegitimate children, she would again escape and repeat the cycle. Thus began the colony of Sasha. Sasha was a wild child, but she was also the best little mommy. She birthed over 25 kittens before she retired to being an indoor only kitty. Once inside, she fostered over 20 more. Always accepting of a lost soul, Sasha would accept any cat or kitten, no matter how small or sick they may be. When she wasn't mothering, Sasha enjoyed long naps, crazy cat time, primo catnip, chirping at birds, and sharing half of her mice with her family members. She once devoured an entire bird family for lunch, and her children consider this a big achievement. Sasha passed at home surrounded by her family on February 23, 2021. She will be greatly missed, but her colony and memory lives on.
“Please consider making a donation to your local shelter in her honor.”
Sasha Jay
2010-08-12 — 2021-02-23