
2006-06-30 — 2022-02-24

Abby was our first family dog. Growing up, I had always begged for a pet, but was always only ever allowed to get fish or frogs. I was shocked when I was told we were going to look at a puppy.


Being a toy poodle, she was a teeny, tiny puppy, and a big ball of puffy, black fur. She was spoiled the minute she arrived at our house, and I absolutely loved having our first puppy. 


Although I was in high school when we first got her, it was still like I grew up with her. She was there for all the big points of my life, and was always up for a good cuddle whenever I needed one. She was a loving dog, and loved each of us in her own, different way. 


Abby brought a lot of love into our lives that I don't think we initially realized. She will be sorely missed, but I'm glad to say she was a well loved and very spoiled dog. She lived a good life, as any four legged friend should. 

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