Andrew stole my heart from the first day I saw him, and he continues to have it after his passing. When I got him, he was petrified of everything, and slowly but surely came out of his shell. By the time I had him for several months, he was venturing into the living room and mainly the kitchen to steal food that was on the counter. He turned into this dog like cat, that would not let you pass him up on the steps without rubbing his belly. Whenever dad (Wojtek) would take his shoes off after work- there you were demanding the belly rubs. You stole every imaginable piece of food causing us to be quite creative in how we hid things. It didn't matter the spice level, you stole it. Every single meal, you were there giving us the puppy dog sad eyes until we caved in and fed you. At the kitchen table, you gave your best performances on the bench to earn your treat via your cuteness. I'm so sorry I couldn't do more to save you- I was not ready to let you go. I did not think you would need to go this soon after hearing of your leukemia- but I'm so happy you did not suffer for a long time. We already miss you so much, and I can say things will never be the same. Watch after your brothers, Malcolm, Hadji and Eddie. We love you my baby, my little Andrzej.
2007-06-08 — 2019-12-14