
2006-04-02 — 2022-04-08

Words can’t express how I feel about the loss of my best friend, my old lady, “mama”. She always knew when I wasn’t feeling right or just needed someone there. Angel is and was the kind of cat everyone needed! She was loyal, affectionate and a fighter. From the day I met her I knew she would change my life and others. From the time I first met her at my Aunt Beckie’s house at 16 to finally adopting her for my significant other at the time (Chelsea) who lost her best friend Hooch, she was always our best friend and her “little hemorrhoid” as Chelsea eloquently put it frequently.  I used to constantly make fun of my mom for her bond with her cats (Emma, Lucy, and Missy) but I now understand how much of a massive impact they make on your whole world. In closing I just want you to know Angel that Daddy loves you and thanks you for constantly reminding me no matter how bad it gets it gets better and I have you by side.

Love Always!

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