Bonnie, or “Bon Bon”, was more than a dog, she was our baby. She was fun, love, perfection, and sass all rolled into one. Bon loved going on walks to bark and chase people, especially bikers and runners. She loved spending time with her Grand-paw and got so excited when she knew we were heading there for the day. An observer by nature, Bonnie enjoy sitting in the yard and watching for birds, animals, people, and brave cats who dared show themselves in her presence. One thing she didn’t like was spending time in her crate. She was a ninja and taught herself how to open it up to get out! She was extremely smart when she needed to be. But at the end of the day, Bonnie just wanted to be cuddled and then stretch out on the couch or in bed with us beside her. She was the best dog we could have ever asked for. Bonnie was pure love. We will miss you everyday until we meet again. We love you forever & always.
2011-02-24 — 2020-06-20