
2008-08-27 — 2022-08-01

Capone “Michael ” 
On 8/1/2022 crossed the Rainbow Bridge peacefully with his mommy Chrissy and sissy Raelee their comforting him.  Capone was the love of his family.  Everyone that ever met Pony man instantly fell in love with him.  When we first rescued Capone his health wasn't the best and things were tough for him.  But with are love he got better day by day. He was his mommies best friend, he was always waiting at the door wagging his tail when anyone came over, he was protective of those he loved. 4 years ago he started having seizures and were were not sure why. Even after countless tests they still could not give us a answer.  Capone would've turned 14 on 8/24. He gave us the best “almost” 14 years all the love he gave will never be forgotten or could ever be replaced.  A huge part of our hearts and soul left with him.  
Mommy misses you more then words could ever describe my best friend.  Daddy still looks to give you treats and your brother and nieces will always love you and hold you in their heart. Mia is lost without you.   Run free my baby no more pain or seizures. 
I'll will see you in my dreams til you meet me at the bridge.

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