Cinders Rattenni
Cinders was born to a stray living outside a stranger’s house and thanks to my son, he and his brother, Chino, ended up in our home. That was 17 years ago. While Chino spent some time living with my son before coming back to me, Cinders never left me. He went through many moves, upheaval, family turmoil, and through it all, he was my snuggle buddy. He would pace between the bedroom door and wherever I was when the clock struck 10pm. He was letting me know it was time for bed. He was such a loving and gentle soul with the most beautiful green eyes. He was my rock. He was my soul kitty. He took more than a little piece of my heart with him when he left. He took a huge chunk. I will love you forever and always, Cinders. You will always be my Cinnybuns.