My Dime Dime, I love you so much. You were such a crazy puppy, but calmed down and became so loving over the years. We all have so many amazing memories with you. 16 years is a lot of memories, but never enough. I wish you could have been by my side forever. I know you are here with me, even if I can’t hold you. I know you are up there getting unlimited Slim Jim’s and chest rubs, and have all the tennis balls and water bottles you could want to chew to pieces, and balls to pop and throw around. Jayda and Mandy are obsessed with ear licking, so I’m sure your whole head is soaked from them.
My heart is completely shattered, but I know you are getting lots of love and everything you need. There’s a lot of people and animals up there to take care of you until Mama gets back to you. I can’t wait to hold you again. I would give anything to get donkey kicked in the middle of the night. I love you my beautiful baby girl. I love you so much.