
2013-07-01 — 2021-11-07

Fanny entered our lives after retiring from a short racing career. From the first time we saw her we knew she needed to be part of our lives. She started as a race dog, later became a certified therapy dog, and along the way became our best friend. She was a goof, she was brave, she was thoughtful, she was caring, and she instantly became friends with every person she met. 


Fanny enjoyed life to the fullest. She found joy in the smallest ray of sunshine, a soft bed of grass and the cold water of the creek.  She was a creature of habit expecting her morning banana, afternoon tooth bones and evening turn down service. She taught us to slow down and enjoy the little things, she was one to literally stop and smell the roses.


Fanny was our girl, our partner in crime and our best friend. This isn’t goodbye, it’s we will see you later, until then we hope you find the best napping spot. 

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