
2004-06-18 — 2021-10-16

Gately was adopted on May 1, 2016, and we were lucky enough to live with him for almost 5 and half years before he passed away at the age of 17. Gately was called “the sweetest cat” by almost everyone who met him, and that’s how he’ll always be remembered: As a gentle and loving sweetheart, who purred even when someone else was getting pets. In just a few short years he transformed from a scaredy cat hiding behind the dryer to a confident boy who knew how to get our attention whenever he needed help with the stairs, the back door, or his litter box. Gately loved tuna, Catnip Greenies, his squeezie treats, laying in the sun, snuggling with his person, gnawing on the strings of his elastic toys, and getting brushed. We will always love you, bear; be at peace with your sister XO

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