Jack Jack

2005-01-25 — 2022-05-25

On May 25, 2022, Jack Jack – our cat and cherished friend –  crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Seventeen years ago, when he found his way into our family, we could never have imagined the amount of happiness, love, and support that he would ultimately bring to our new family.

In his younger days, we would smile and laugh as he strutted about carrying Wally – the stuffed hedgehog that would remain his life-long friend.  All the while, meowing as his chubb swayed back and forth.  As he grew older and began to take pleasure in the simpler things, we enjoyed listening to him purr as he lounged in the slivers of sunlight that peeked through the windows.  Through it all and despite his occasionally aloofness, we took comfort knowing that he always knew – and was always there – when his family needed him most.

Still, despite these platitudes, we find it difficult to express the enormous impact that our “big boy” had on his family.  Saying goodbye to Jack is hard, but we know that the sorrow that we feel today is only temporary.  In time, we will accept that, even though we would give anything for just a little more time with our boy, the days that we had with this big black cat were some of the luckiest of our lives.

We love you, Jack.  When you find your sister, tell Elphie we love her, too.

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