Leyna was born on May 8th 2016. Her name is German for “Little Angel” which ended up being the most perfect name for our little girl. She touched everybody's heart that she came in contact with and we were often told what a beautiful and special dog she is. Leyna loved to collect and play fetch with random sticks that she would find outside, and it grew to be her favorite thing. So much so, that we would have to keep a stick at every door so that no matter which door she went out she had a stick waiting for her. She was truly the sweetest dog we have ever had, as well as the smartest! She was her Daddy's “Baby Girl” and when the opportunity arrose to adopt her brother from another litter, we didn't hesitate. This earned her a second nickname, from her Mommy, of “Sister”. She was the most caring, and affectionate pet that anyone could have asked for, and she was ours….our “little angel”. This past December, at age of only 3 1/2 years old, she was diagnosed with Stage III Lymphoma, and we were just devistated. She fought through the chemotherapy and the cancer, as if she wasn't even sick, and gave us an amazing, wonderful, blessed and loving nine more months with her. Although the 4 1/2 years will never seem to be long enough, her life here on earth, and with us will forever be cherished, and she will forever hold a place in each of our hearts. She will be forever our “Little Angel”! We love and miss you so much baby girl!
2016-05-08 — 2020-08-30