
2004-06-20 — 2020-01-03

My Nitty Cat

Nittany came into my life 15 years ago.   She was a beautiful calico.  It took a little time to earn her trust but once I did she loved me and I loved her unconditionally.  She loved sitting on my lap and purring.    She loved sleeping in my bed or wherever I was.   She seemed to choose me as her best friend and I am much honored that I was the chosen one.

She was often misunderstood since she was timid and afraid of other humans …. her “hiss” was her defense.   But once you gained her trust her loving nature came through.   You needed to befriend Nittany on her terms.   Nittany lived and ultimately died on “her terms”.

She loved running and playing throughout my house with her brother Noah.  When he passed away in November she missed him terribly.   I like to picture them now sitting on the rainbow bridge together or with Pappy in heaven.  

Love and Miss you forever my Nitty Cat.

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