
2009-04-01 — 2021-04-11

We adopted Otis from a shelter.  We always wondered what his life was like before we met him.  He was a very nice Puggle, but his nose was all beagle.  He would sniff the many wonders of the world for hours if you let him.  The 3 boys he saw growing up were his best friends.  Andrew, Josh, and Nick will miss Otis so much.  We are all grateful he was brought into our lives, by our friend, Lillian.  And, we appreciate all the friends who helped care for him while we were away.  Libby, Laurel, Zoe, Lauren, and Jen.  Thank you.  He loved a good rub down by all the many friends who would come and visit.  He knew who to throw those sad eyes towards. He also knew to sit by the guests because they may hold a piece of food within his reach. My mom knew where to rub behind his ears and always knew what he was thinking.  His little brother, Lucky was too hyper for him most of the time, but I think he secretly liked it.  And then, who doesn't have a fulfilled life without an uncle who paints your tail and it draws a line on your back?  Or, an uncle that was so trusting of Otis that he really did believe Otis would stay close when not on a leash.  Boy, Otis got one over on Uncle Chris for sure!  He loved a good comfy bed, a warm coat, and beggin' strips.  His neck dawned the colors of Slippery Rock University proudly.  He knew who to bark at when he wanted to be fed in the evenings and his dad was the perfect person to get up off the couch! He hated his feet touched, but loved a good game of chase around the kitchen table. Yes, Otis was with us for 12 years and will be remembered always. Rest well, our sweet puppy!

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