
“Our Baby Bull”
December 2008 – October 2020

Although you came into our lives just 11 short years ago, you left a paw print on our hearts that nothing could ever fill. We could not of asked for a better, loving, sweeter, more gentle dog in the world. We will always cherish our time with you. You will live in our hearts forever.  You can finally run free with your fur big brother Jake.  Tyson will be lost without you. 

Rest easy baby girl.   

Love, Daddy, Mommy, Zack, Petie, Mel and Nate.


Beautiful Egypt Ramsey
Is survived by her Furmom Tiffany , older siblings Pepper and Oreo. Younger siblings Ayla and Boomer, her gammy Dana, fur dad Anthony, uncle Farny! Beautiful was thee third born of the rampack, however she was the leader of the pack. She loved going to parks. She loved to swim. She was always so happy. As a young pup she would run around the dog park when she was excited,  and drop to the ground and roll around. I used to tell her ” let me see you dance” and she would sway her head and body around.  She was the protector of the family. Any time someone came to the door or was outside close to home she would be the one to alert us. She took charge and was not afraid of anything. All of her siblings looked to her for guidance. She was attached to her mommy. We are beyond sad but grateful we had the 8 plus years to spend with you. Im glad i got to hold you in my arms as you crossed to the rainbow bridge. You will furever be in our hearts.


Marvin is survived by his parents Marie and Mark, his brothers Jeremy, Zach, and Brandon and many many friends who knew and loved him. He was the best dog you could ever ask for, and spent his days being loved, cared for, and spoiled by his family. He enjoyed lounging on the couch, chewing on big rocks in the yard, and going to camp. He was a great lover of food, patiently waiting for the last bite of whatever you were eating, especially Reese’s and his mom’s chocolate chip cookies. He will be dearly missed by all.



Katie… Faithful companion for 15 years. Loved to steal socks, play with her treat ball, going to the beach, taking car rides, ripping up papers and barking at her brother. She was our little lifesaver. Forever in our hearts. Will sadly be missed by moms Deb , Char and brother Quigley.


Toby passed away peacefully with his family alongside him Saturday September 5th, 2020 in his backyard under the shade of a tree. He was adopted in 2012, a tiny little fellow who fit in the palms of your hands. He was a graceful runner and loved to chase his ball. Toby liked to be with people and to run free in the backyard. He loved his family, his dog buddies and his little Mia. 
Toby will be missed tremendously and live in our hearts forever.


Lady was adopted on September 29 at 10 years old, and was taken from us too soon after only 11 months. Lady loved her dad's belly rubs, walks and hikes, dancing on her hind legs, treats (especially rice cakes!) and having her people all to herself. While she wasn't necessarily a fan of dogs, strangers, and loud noises, treats were a great way to help her stay distracted and happy. We still mourn the walks and adventures we never got to take with Lady, and while we didn't expect our first year with her to be our last, she will never be forgotten for all the love she brought into our lives


Leyna was born on May 8th 2016. Her name is German for “Little Angel” which ended up being the most perfect name for our little girl. She touched everybody's heart that she came in contact with and we were often told what a beautiful and special dog she is. Leyna loved to collect and play fetch with random sticks that she would find outside, and it grew to be her favorite thing. So much so, that we would have to keep a stick at every door so that no matter which door she went out she had a stick waiting for her. She was truly the sweetest dog we have ever had, as well as the smartest! She was her Daddy's “Baby Girl” and when the opportunity arrose to adopt her brother from another litter, we didn't hesitate. This earned her a second nickname, from her Mommy, of “Sister”. She was the most caring, and affectionate pet that anyone could have asked for, and she was ours….our “little angel”. This past December, at age of only 3 1/2 years old, she was diagnosed with Stage III Lymphoma, and we were just devistated. She fought through the chemotherapy and the cancer, as if she wasn't even sick, and gave us an amazing, wonderful, blessed and loving nine more months with her. Although the 4 1/2 years will never seem to be long enough, her life here on earth, and with us will forever be cherished, and she will forever hold a place in each of our hearts. She will be forever our “Little Angel”! We love and miss you so much baby girl!

Scruffy Rascal

At 8 weeks old Scruffy picked us to be the family to come home with.  He did not take his eyes off his mom until she said he was the one.  At one year old he went on an 11 day adventure to finally make his way home to his frantic family.  Scruffy never ate dog food.  He always had rotisserie chicken or grilled steak/chicken.  One year ago it was discovered he had oral cancer.  After a year long fight cancer finally won.  Scruffy leaves behind and will be sadly missed by his mom Libby, boys Taylor and Austin, brother Charlie, sister Tesla, cousin Onie, dear friend Lindsay French, aunt Tracy, staff at Hippie & French, and Duquesne University Best Buddies family, staff at Larry’s Laundromutt, and thank Dr. Haustovich and staff at Mars Animal Depot.


Coal came into our lives as a shelter puppy. He got his name because we got him at Christmas time and his fur was mostly all black. He was caring to the family, including the kids, but territorial of his castle, our home. A few of Coals likes were: lying under the table at dinner time (waiting for the kids to drop food), barking out the window at passers by, his chew bones, left over jars of peanut butter, digging in the yard, rough housing with dad, and sitting on the couch (even though he wasn't supposed to- mom's rule). He is now with our family in heaven including his fur cousins. We know that you are no longer suffering but our lives are incomplete without you Coal-Coal.

George's Tribute to Coal
Once upon a time there was a dog name Coal. I called him Oreo because he had the colors of it. He had fun but when i was 4 he wasn't a puppy anymore. He was so good and cute that sometimes I have to give him food. I have a stuffed animal that looked like him. I called him (the stuffed animal) Coal 2. I soon had a youtube name idea named after him (Coal) because I knew he was going soon. He's a good dog. His weakness were baths.  🙁 He liked food, had a lot of energy, and a lot of barks. 🙂


I adopted Alice from a breeder in Robinson when she was 2 months old. She was so small and scared, but she quickly warmed up to me. She was with me throughout my entire college experience, and once I graduated, we lived all over Pittsburgh together. She became good buds with both of my cats and was a big source of visual entertainment for my dog. Alice was the sweetest girl and was always excited to come out to snuggle and run around. She loved snacking on raisins and dandelion, taking dust baths, and napping in her hammock. I am very grateful for the time that we had together, and I hope she knew how much she meant to me