Buddy Lysander Hopkins was born September 30, 2006 and lived a long, great 14 years with his parents (Karl and Debbie), human siblings (Amber, Kathryne, Karl, and Matt), and his fur sister (Payton Elizabeth). Buddy was the most intelligent, spunky, and happy puggle. He was the greatest family member anyone could have ever asked for. He loved everyone and everything that he came in contact with. He loved to spend his time going on walks, playing outside, sunbathing, going on car rides, lying in the window, rooing at motorcycles, riding quads, going to the dog park, fishing, performing tricks, eating ice cream, snacking on human food, fighting with his fur sister, cuddling, and occasionally stealing from the trash. He always had the biggest smile on his face even until his final moments. Buddy, if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.