
Lily “Buggy” Malinoski crossed the rainbow bridge unexpectedly on July 28th 2020. She will be greatly missed by her human parents Zoe and Jake, but greeted in heaven by her beloved grandma Sandra Malinoski. Lily was an affectionate, fun-loving, and sassy bunny with a truly one of a kind personality. She loved giving kisses, zooming and running around, eating treats, and relaxing with her favorite stuffed penguin. Lily was loved by every person she met during her time on earth, and will be remembered fondly and missed by many.


Turbo Panda was a rescue from an animal shelter in Portland, OR at 4 weeks old. His name was fitting because of how he would zoom around and do back flips off the door. Turbo was an amazing cat that was smart, curious, loving, energetic, and had a spicy spirit. We couldn't have asked for a better cat. We had an amazing 18+ years with him. He was not only our pet, but a beloved family member and my little snuggle buddy. Turbo was also a great travel companion that had been back and forth from the west to the east coasts several times mostly by car, but also by plane with yearly trips to Minnesota. He loved going for walks on his leash, laying in sunbeams, rolling on his cement sidewalk and stairs in the warm sun, and snuggling under a warm blanket with us. Turbo may you rest in peace in a warm sunbeam. You are loved and nothing can replace you. We will miss you greatly.  


Kobey Foster age 10 our beloved pet – more human though, went to be in heaven on July 3, 2020.    Birthdate June 4, 2010.  His mama was a Siberian Husky and his father was an Australlian Cattle Dog    He will truly be missed by so many human friends and his dog friends as well.  He came into our lives from someone asking at Kelly's workplace if any one wanted any puppies – you know rest of story.  Kobey's masters are Kelly Foster and Jeff Sowers but it was more like the other way around.  Kobey loved his walks and car rides and could not go without either one of them.  If it was raining out he pouted all day knowing he could not get either one of them.  Kobey was very smart very human like of course Jeff and Kelly talked to him since he was a puppy as if he was a human.  He loved his ice cubes.  Had to have lots of ice in the house.  Last but least, he leaves behind immediate family, Joan and George, Aunt Cheryl and Candie their dogs, Olllie and Annie, and Sue and Larry, Ruth and Sam many friends John and Gerrie, Ryan and Erin, his Dog Groomer Lorraine, and his neighbors Terri and Lew and Sharon who would watch over him while we were away on vacation.  Kobey leaves a brother behind and his name is Max, happy and healthy.

Mr. Big

June 25, 2020 ~ You went on your own terms which was the way you lived your kitty life. I tried to make you better, Mr. Big. I tried so hard but I guess sometimes all the trying and love in the world isn't enough. I hope you found Elliot, Gibbs, Cody, and Max. You were the best boi ever and I love you, Mr. Big.


Eddie, our 3rd oldest rescue, a 10 year old silver tabby, who was as handsome of a young man that you could ever imagine, passed away peacefully, safely and comfortably wrapped in the arms of his 2 favorite humans, Sam and Johnny.
To say we are all heartbroken, is an understatement. We are all at a complete loss for words.
We will miss Eddie every day.
He brought such love, joy and personality to our family, as do all of our cats.
We Will Always Love You Eddie.
Thank you for sharing your life with us.

~Jesus, it seems this is the time for Eddie to leave this world and to enter Your heavenly garden. Mercifully remove all suffering. Make the transition to death swift and full of Your peace. Usher him into Your heavenly kingdom gently and graciously. We thank You for giving him to us to share our pilgrimage here, and we look forward to being reunited with him there. Eddie, we love you, and we release you into your Creator’s eternal hand. Go in peace.


Bonnie, or “Bon Bon”, was more than a dog, she was our baby. She was fun, love, perfection, and sass all rolled into one. Bon loved going on walks to bark and chase people, especially bikers and runners. She loved spending time with her Grand-paw and got so excited when she knew we were heading there for the day. An observer by nature, Bonnie enjoy sitting in the yard and watching for birds, animals, people, and brave cats who dared show themselves in her presence. One thing she didn’t like was spending time in her crate. She was a ninja and taught herself how to open it up to get out! She was extremely smart when she needed to be. But at the end of the day, Bonnie just wanted to be cuddled and then stretch out on the couch or in bed with us beside her. She was the best dog we could have ever asked for. Bonnie was pure love. We will miss you everyday until we meet again. We love you forever & always. 


Sam was a once in a lifetime cat. He left an impression on every person that met him. He was no ordinary cat. He sat like a human, played fetch like a dog, and chirped like a bird. He was there to comfort you when you were sad and to sneak any leftover food off of your plate. He would always make sure his sisters, and you, were clean. His heart was as big as his belly. At only 9 years old the world has lost Sam too soon but his impression on all of us will last a lifetime. We love you Sam, thanks for everything.


Gunner passed away on 6/14/20 after a 7- month brave battle against cancer.  He put up a hard fight. He was also lovingly known as “Gunny Buns,” loved by everyone who knew him for his bigger than life personality.   Gunner enjoyed playing with his brothers and sister Chloe, who passed away earlier this year.  He loved walking with his Dad and checking the chickens, or being his Mom’s shadow.  He will be greatly missed by everyone.  Survived by his 2 fur brothers, and his human family.


 Monkey wasn’t a pet, she was a member of the family. And not just at home… She was a big part of my work family. Monk was small but had the biggest heart! She would bark at you until you showed her love and would chase you down if you tried to leave without her. She loved her human siblings more than anything. Until we meet again, mommy loves you baby girl!


Pretty Girl

Pretty Girl was my best dog ever. She kept me company for 17 years. She helped me through alot of hard times by just being by my side. She loved the farm, sitting in the big chair with me and running in the yard. She will be truly missed and in my heart forever.