Tinky died peacefully, at home alongside her companion Jazmine of nearly 14 years on Wednesday, August 12th.
Tinky was adopted by Jazmine's mother, Karmen Bell, on December 8th, 2006, and quickly became a dog legends are made of. Tinky arrived in our home with the ability to play hide/seek and also “give paw.” Being able to destroy any crate pillow, climb gates, chew shoes and clothing in her way, Tinky quickly began building loving relationships with all those who came in contact with her, whether it be a new family member, vet, groomer, or whoever's house she found her way to.
A lover of couches and blankets, Tinky had many hobbies. Some of Tinky's favorite activities included barking at things not there, cuddling alongside you, taking over Jazzy's bed, running around in figure 8's, running in circles when it was time to be fed, and trying to figure out who exactly was “the good girl” In her spare time, Tinky dreamt violently, thrashing his legs, presumably chasing deer. chipmunks or squirrels who dared enter her dreams. The quickest way to Tinky's heart was with a quality rub of her belly.
Tinky will be greatly missed by many, but none more so than her best friend and companion Jazmine. Through thick and thin, she loved her with all her heart, and though the pain she feels without her is great, it in no way would compare to having never had her in her life. Besides her companion Jazmine, Tinky leaves behind a host of family members and friends and many amazing friends throughout the years.
At the wishes of Tinky's family, give your dog an extra hug, belly rub, and treat.
Love You Dog in the same manner you would love yourself [❤]
Bell Family