
To my baby boy you are now with your fat butt brother over the Rainbow Bridge. You were an amazing friend and thank you for everything you will be missed and loved!


Sebastian Casper Klutka 


2006 – 3/30/2023


Sebi was born in Hermosa Beach, California where he had a litter of 3 pups with Lily (Sadie, Bubbi and Bella). Sebi also adopted a young maltipoo we called BUZZ. He loved walks by the beach and the local parks. 


Sebi made the trip across the U.S. with Sadie, Dad and Uncle Frank where he visited Las Vegas, Vail, and walked the campus at Notre Dame. 


He started his new life in Hopewell after staying with his Grandma for a few years in New Brighton. Sebi adopted a new Momma, Vanessa and became fur family with sister and brother Brooklyn and Axle. 


Sebi loved treats from Mom and walking in his neighborhoods of New Brighton, Hopewell and Aliquippa and his work town Beaver. Sebi loved visiting his Pap in Oak Hill cemetery and has been to all of these parks and schools. (Brush Creek, Big Rock, Flag Park, Bradys Run, Sewickley, Moon, Point State, CCBC, Penn State Beaver, Hopewell, Center and Aliquippa) He loved going to Pittsburgh to pick up vegan food with Dad. 


Sebi finally adopted another family member Scooter. He loved visiting his new grandparents, Dan and Nan, and loved to snuggle and snooze in his bed and mountain of toys. Sebi taught us so much about unconditional love and was with us through life’s changes and experiences. All he ever wanted was for you to pet his face. 


Sebi was Superman and a Little Dragon for the most recent Halloween holidays and Santa Paws for Christmas. 


In the last years of his life, he was losing his sight and having other health issues, but his bark was always the loudest when family came home. He never passed up a walk even if he was being carried. Sebi changed our lives forever. Sebi passed peacefully over Rainbow Bridge in his sleep on 3/30/23 next to his family. 


He is now with Grandpa Frank, Brooklyn, Buzz and Mabel (who we adopted Scooter from). We love and miss you Sebi and will meet you to love and play again. 



Zoey passed away peacefully, following a short illness, in her human mother’s arms, comforted and receiving the kisses to her temple and head that she loved so much. She was raised all 12+ years of her cherished life by her human mother, since she was 5 months old. She also had two other significant humans in her life; she is preceded in death by one, of 8 years, and survived by another, of over 5 years, as well as other fur and human family and friends. She was a Toy Fox Terrier, and embodied all of those terrier traits. She was famously known as Toaster, Toasty, among many other variations; Toy Fox Chicken; The Fun Police; The Tiny White Raccoon; and others. She was the true guard dog of any home we lived in and kept everyone accountable for their funny business. She was notorious for her small stature; single black spot above her tail; big personality; breaking into food containers, cardboard boxes, or backpacks for food; big puppy eyes; and huge ears, which were as soft as velvet. She loved toys; cuddles; kisses on her head; any and all food that was safe for her to eat, but especially radishes and popcorn, as well as any other morsels from hunting on the kitchen floor during meal prep, around her late parrot sister Alice’s cage, or scraps in the yard with the chickens, ducks, and geese she used to live with; playing frisbee; getting her neck and sides sniffed by other dogs she’s lived with; sun spots in the house and standing outside in the sun; dancing; traveling; being “tucked in” to bed; opening presents; exploring in the woods to find good sticks to strip of the bark; and many more things. She was an IVDD survivor and never let it limit her strong and determined spirit, remaining able to walk and run freely, but with a cautious mother in tow. She also achieved an on-screen debut in a feature documentary film that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and other festivals around the world. Toasty’s presence, companionship, and love will be sorely missed.


Our beautiful boy, Squeeks, you are missed terribly. Thank you for all the love, naps, & games of peek-a-boo. You always found your way back home; I know you will return in one way or another. We find solace knowing you are not alone; tell your brothers & sisters we miss & love them too. I would do it all over again if I could. There will always be a home here for you. Your love of butt pats, sun naps & trips to the kitchen will not be forgotten. In the meantime, you've sent us five little friends to nurture & I know you're watching over all of us. Forever my Squeekums. 


Love Mom 


Clyde – you came to our family through a friend of a friend as a sweet little bundle of orange energy. You grew into a sweet and lovable big bundle of orange energy. You and Bear became best friends instantly. I always knew that wherever you were, Bear would be there too and vice versa. I know you were sad when Bear left for the Bridge but after a little time, you and Gibbson found that special bond. I loved to see the two of you cuddled together and there were times when you even let his little sister join the cuddle puddle. I wish I could have saved you sweet boy. You were supposed to go to the vet that evening, but you took matters into your own paws. You never did like car rides. There are times when I swear, I can see you walking by or sitting up high on the cat tree – your favorite spot. Gibbson and I are a little lost without you, but we are sticking together. I hope you have found all your brothers by now. We miss you and will forever love you.


9:48 am on 3/21/23 my sweet old girl Patches took her last breath and crossed the rainbow bridge to be with her fur siblings Diesel, Boots and Khloe. She was my first cat and fur baby. She was a fighter from the very beginning and until the very end, It saddens me to say goodbye but I know she’s not in pain anymore and she’ll be in good company with her brothers and sister. I will truly miss her by my side or hearing her running and meowing every time I used the can opener. It truly won’t be the same in this house without her. Run free sweet girl until we meet again . 


There are not enough words to express how loved Ranger or more affectionately known as “Bug” was or how much love and joy he brought to others. Ever since he was a puppy he had the ability to be obnoxious and get his way. When he wanted water he would climb on top of the couch and drop the metal bowl to get the water bowl filled even if mom was standing right next to him. He was intelligent a mastermind and getting a c clamp lock open by rolling down a hill to unscrew the bolt. He loved his lamb chop toy and had to collect them all before he would go to bed. He started life being drug around the house by his boxer cousin Dexter (who preceded him in death) and later in life he taught his sister Bailey and kitten brother Koda what love, patience, and tolerance where. They built an inseparable bond and were never far apart. Daddy's favorite thing was how fluffy his tail always was and mom's was his eyes no matter how much trouble glissened behind their starburst beauty. No one can replace the snuggles or the songs he provided at 2am or the after bath spunky zoomies. Range there truly aren't enough words to say how loved you are or how truly missed. If love could have saved you, you'd have lived forever. Rest in peace, my little love bug go play tug with Dex and “sing the song of your people”.

Always daddy's best friend and mommy's little love. 


 Mommy, Daddy, Bae, and Koda. 


Brody Austin Neely

June 14, 2009-March 12,2023


Our sweet boy passed away in our arms Sunday night at PVSEC in Pittsburgh from complications of liver/gall bladder disease. 

Our baby Brody was loyal, sweet, loving, handsome and playful- all the best qualities that could fit into a 24-pound bundle of joy.  Although we adopted him from Angels for Animals, he was “Mama’s Sweet Angel” and “Mama’s Angel Boo Bear.”  He stole our hearts from day one and brought joy to everyone he met.

I was fortunate to work from home these past few years where Brody served as my best coworker. When I got up to get a glass of water, he would take a drink as well.  He’d even wait for me to sit down at my desk before he laid down in his bed beside me while I finished out the workday. Then, he’d stare at the garage door every evening until his daddy came home from work. Once everyone was safely in the house for the evening, he could rest.  He was our little protector.

Of course, there was always time for his favorite games.  He loved hiding a ball beneath a rug or blanket and then was always delighted when he found it again! He also loved to play with Nicholas (his big brother). When Nick was little, he’d dress himself and Brody up in Firefighter outfits and he called him his “fire dog.” Nick liked to tease Brody all the time, stealing his toys. Brody would bark like crazy at him, but he loved playing with Nick.  And of course, everyone knew he loved watching TV, especially shows with animals where he would bark wildly, trying to protect us from whatever furry creature was on the screen. 

Brody loved birthdays and Christmas too- any holiday that involved gifts! He loved to open presents and was really good at it! Brody’s penchant for unwrapping kept us from putting presents under the tree before Christmas morning because he would try to open them!  If it was someone else’s birthday, we still had to make sure Brody received a gift… although everyone brought him presents…his Mammaw and Pap, Grandma and Pap Galusky, his Aunt Donna, his Aunt Melinda, Uncle Pat and Aunt Phyllis. He knew when he saw his Uncle Pat that he would always have a couple treats for him.

He loved going to see his Pappy too. All you had to say was, “Where’s Pappy?” and he would jump up, look around and start barking. 

Brody was also loved by his extended family.  Anytime we had to go out of town, he would get to stay with our friend and groomer Stephanie and play with his little furry friend Marty.  Stephanie and Reggie took care of him just like we did. He got to sleep in the bed and get lots of loving while we were away. When he was younger, Brody also enjoyed going to Doggy Daycare- he loved playing with his numerous friends there as well!

The house is so quiet now without our Brody.  We cherish every memory and second we had with our Boo.  We miss Brody’s cheerful presence and the unwavering love he gave to us.  I would always ask him, “who’s the best boy ever?” and then say, “it’s you My Love.”  We feel certain that he’s running around playing with his sisters Preshy and Sierra.  We miss him deeply and will love him forever and always.





Polu Helman born April 22,2012 passed February 25, 2023 10 years old we are in deep grief and loss of our little man that we called him. Words are hard to express the love that he brought into our lives. We miss him greeting us at the door, cuddling him, sleeping with us and he was all boy and full of mischief. Just five pounds of unconditional love. He had us laughing all the time playing with his battery operated toys. The videos I took will be cherished. I cry everyday for our little man but my faith keeps me going as I know I will be with Polu again in perfect health.


Our hearts are broken our Little Girl! You brought us so much joy, love, and happiness. We know you are with your Sister, Lola and that brings us peace. Forever you will be missed [❤️]