Ruby Grace Robbins
April 4, 2004 – April 13, 2020
Our heart, our world. The best big sissy! The toughest dog we know. We miss her so much already including our two other dogs. Ruby was the heart of our amazing “trio.” This is such a HUGE loss. Ruby Grace was deeply loved & will be deeply missed by everyone, even people who said they weren't a “dog person” or “animal person.” Life has gone by so fast with her. I, her mama, had her for 11 years total. My husband, her daddy, had her in his life for a total of 8 years. Ruby was rescued from a puppy mill in Ohio at age 5 then I adopted her from a kill shelter in Indiana County. She was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made! Her Grammy helped adopt her who called her Ruby Lou & her Poppy called her Rubybisscus because she reminded him of a beautiful flower. Who rescued who they always say? She's my rescue story in so many ways. She was my saving grace & always will be. Her purpose here was heaven sent & she surely fulfilled it! We loved taking care of her & she loved being there for us. She gave us so much peace, love, & healing. The connection with her was extra special & she was truly precious. We were definitely meant to be. She was very loyal, beyond selfless, & taught others to love hard. She's our what's shakin' bacon, our ride or die, our baby girl, our best friend, our rubs, & our dare devil. Her daddy called her rub a dub chubs as she surely loved her belly rubs! Ruby girl loved going anywhere with her mama! Our hearts are deeply hurting but her memory will forever live on. Right before she passed, it was pouring down rain, but after that, sunshine came through. We will seek peace & love until we meet again. Ruby Grace was an angel here on Earth & now she is a beautiful angel in Heaven.
2004-04-04 — 2020-04-13