Our loving Trixie came home in Daddy’s pocket on December 24, 2006 in the middle of a snowstorm as a Christmas present for Jeffrey. Daddy named her after Trixie on speed racer. Little did Trixie know how important she was going to become to those two guys. Jeffrey would put T-shirts on her and cuddle her as his buddy. Daddy and Trixie formed a bond like no one could imagine. Almost like they were lucky to find each other and needed each other. Daddy took care of Trixie as much as Trixie took care of him. Two companions who did everything together and were inseparable. Daddy and Trixie give a new meaning to “Man’s Best Friend”. As one stated “The one absolute, unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world – the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog”…that is the same heartbeat that was felt between Daddy and Trixie. Then one day Trixie welcomed Mommy and Zac into her life with open paws. She had so much love to give. She became Mommy’s baby too and took care of her just as she did daddy too. Zac would love on her and get her all jazzed up calling “chicken nugget” she loved it. When we would leave for work, she would force her way into brother Jeffrey’s room to snuggle the rest of the morning. When we went on trips, she would love to go for sleep overs at Grandma Karen’s and Grandpap Randy’s, where she had her favorite chair and get lots of treats. It wasn’t long until she welcomed her fury sister Eve into our world and had a little buddy to play tug a war with have someone to lick her and clean her face. Trixie loved everyone she met and was the gentle giant whose heart was bigger than her. Recently, she reluctantly welcomed a fury brother Neo into our home who took to her more than she to him. But Neo looked after Trixie and always made sure to get her up for a feeding or to go outside and always wanted to protect both his dogs from the big dog barking behind the big fence next door. Trixie touched many lives with her loving soul. There never will be a more faithful fury companion than she was to Daddy! She will forever be Daddy and Mommy’s baby! Trixie you have loved us, watched over us, protected us and were our faithful fury family member. We will miss you with all our hearts! Love, Daddy, Mommy, Jeffrey, Zac, Eve-Bean and Bubbas-Neo too!
2006-12-24 — 2022-06-17