
2008-09-07 — 2019-07-31


SEPTEMBER 7, 2008 – JULY 31, 2019

                                      Beloved Kitty of Sandra Cavoulas and Patrick DiCicco.

                                      Crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  She leaves behind two brothers,

                                      Pantheras, and Xander. Preceding her to the Rainbow Bridge,

her brother Myles. Our hearts are broken. She had a sensitive spirit and  pretty face.  She loved to lay in the sunlight, and play, sleep with Pantheras.  Watching the birds, chipmunks, and squirrels.

We greatly miss her gentle presence. She took a piece of us with her.

Forever in our Hearts! We Love you Pretty Girl!                                            

Mom, Dad, Pantheras and Xander.                      

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