
Kendrick, our youngest 4 legged “rescued” Angel from our family, was sadly called to cross the Rainbow Bridge. 
On behalf of my sons, Sam & Johnny and myself, I personally want to thank you all for your prayers. 
We can't even begin to express how much of a loss in our lives, this will be and how much Kendrick will be missed. 
Even though he was blind and just 4 yrs old, his amazing personality and zest for Life, was such a blessing to our unique, yet loving family.
Kendrick, my little man, I pray that Now, maybe you can finally see all you never could through your own eyes, here on Earth. 
But… somehow I believe, you Always “SAW” so much more with your Heart, than we ever could with our Eyes!
R.I.P my little Angel. 
Never forget us “Kenny!” 
We Promise, We will NEVER forget YOU!
God Bless you Kendrick & Thank You for sharing your life with us.
We Love You!
Your Family… [��]


Our beloved Romeo was Heaven sent. A special gift from God. I miss you so much my Bubby Boy. You were the best friend anyone could have. We were so lucky to have had you in our lives for a very long  time, but never could it have been long enough. 
Thank you for being such a good boy, gentle and patient, allowing me to care for you all of those years and fighting so hard in hopes of sharing even just one more day together. 
You always loved to fly so high, may you remain always joyful high in the sky…your forever home in Heaven. 
I will always be grateful for our time and I will NEVER forget you.  
Love you Bubs, rest calm until we meet again. 
Our animals teach us the meaning of loyalty and unconditional love. They are all so special. There will never be another friend like Romeo.  



Mr. Brownie




