Tiny Tina

Tiny Tina Lemmon known to most as Tina, was a wonderful Orange Tabby Friend.
She left us on October 19, 2022. She was only 16 years old.  

She had a full life living with her sister, Vanilla Caramel Sundae Green, who is left to mourn her. Tina loved going outside and sitting in the sun. She would chase birds and catch gifts to bring home to her beloved humans. Some of her favorite pastimes included napping with her human mom, chasing that annoying dot that shows up randomly, and teasing her sisters, both human and feline. She even liked taking baths!

In her youth, she loved to travel in the car and sit in the window. She was an explorer who could walk on a leash. That's no easy feat for a cat who has their own personality. She also was able to use the toilet, but preferred the litter box because of the splash. Many people said she thought that she was a dog. She loved doing tricks like sitting, giving a paw, and she would come when you called her. Of course she expected a treat every now and then.  

Tina was happy when her human mom was home. She followed her around the house and was a comforter and protector! She didn't want many people to take her time away. During the COVID pandemic, Tina would sit on the computer so that her human mom couldnt work! She always wanted to be in the Zoom and Teams calls!

She has been with her human family since she was 8 weeks old. Coming from a farm in Somerset, PA. Tina left us peacefully in her sleep on Tuesday, October 19, 2022. She spent time with her hunan family before she left this earth.
Tina was loved and will be missed. There will never be another cat like her. She truly had emotions and would display them. We know that she truly loved us all. Tina leaves plenty of family who will miss her including her best feline friend since birth, her sister Vanilla. We were blessed to have her in our lives.


Brody 'Shiatt' Schad (online presence under www.facebook.com/brody.shiatt for anyone to share memories and condolences), passed away peacefully in his sleep at the age of 14, on October 20th. of 2022. He was born on October 8th of 2008, is proceeded by his two adopted fur-sisters Nyx and Kazmire, and will forever be the sweet baby-boy of Amber 'Mbr' Schad. Over the Rainbow Bridge are plentiful paper balls for him to chase, his 'mousey' is never too far away, and someone will always be there to give him the enjoyment of drinking from a water bottle or sink. Brody will always be missed by us but will forever stay alive in our hearts. 



Ladybug “Bugs” Pratt was born on April 9, 2010 in Pittsburgh, PA. She was adopted by her parents, beloved older canine brother Sasha and feline brother, Vader on April  9, 2012 from the Animal Rescue League of Pittsburgh.


Ladybug got her wings and peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge at home surrounded by her loving family on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 following a brave battle with a brief illness.


Our sweet Ladybug’s life got off to a very rough start. Upon joining our family, she had several neglect-related health issues that needed to be immediately addressed. She was rightfully scared of other humans until she found HER humans, who socialized and deeply loved her back to health and throughout the rest of her life.


And make no mistake, we were HER humans, she wasn’t OUR dog! She had an iron will. She went from a scared, abused and cowering little girl to an extremely confident young lady in no time at all.


Once she found her footing, her genuinely kind and loving soul quickly flourished. As her brother Sasha aged and became partially blind, she quickly learned how to be his eyes and guide him around the house, to potty and on walks.


After Sasha passed, we wanted her to have a new brother, so we adopted Oliver who was half her size at the time . She very quickly became his mommy, as well as his little Big Sister! As time passed, they quickly became partners in crime, and formed a life-long protective and loving bond with each other.


Although he ended up being 3 times her size, until the very end, when he’d get scared of noises or the big scary killer Pittsburgh deer, he’d hide behind her as she quickly jumped in front to protect him!


During the pandemic, we were fortunate to be able to work from home. This is when her inner-taskmaster began to shine! She enjoyed coming upstairs to work with us everyday and making sure our “TPS Reports’ were completed, in triplicate, every day – NO SICK DAYS ALLOWED!


One of Ladybug’s greatest qualities that we could all learn from, is that she was able to take life’s adversities in stride with little complaint, and most importantly, learn lessons from them.


As an example, when her health began to decline in her final year, she could no longer navigate steps very well and we didn’t want her using them alone. So, she learned that when Ladybug wanted to go UP, she would simply put one paw on the bottom stair, like a Princess, until one of her people carried up the stairs. (She MAY have received kisses the whole way up, too…)


She also took plenty of time to smell the roses, literally. She LOVED smelling flowers on our walks. She also enjoyed her rope-knot toys and removing the stuffing from her plush squeakies so she could enjoy the empty shell.


One of the family’s most endearing memories of Ladybug were her stealthy slip-you-the-tongue kisses. She had a surgeon-like ability to get past your lips when you least expected it!


She was deeply loved, her loss is devastating and profound. She will be dearly missed by her loving parents, Grandmothers, canine brother and best friend, Oliver, and all that knew her.


Run in Peace, my sweet, precious little girl. We will never forget you and we will meet again, someday.


She was preceded in death by her Grandfathers, canine older brother and mentor, Sasha, and her feline brother Vader.


In lieu of flowers or gifts, LadyBug would have wanted donations to be made in her name to the Ohio American Eskimo Rescue, Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh or an animal charity or shelter of your choice, to save other neglected, abused or homeless animals as she once was.


On Sunday, October 9th, Titan peacefully passed away in his sleep with his mom next to him. He is survived by his Mom (Lisa) and Dad (Jason), older fur sister Isis Marie and his little human, Haylee. Titan was born May 7th, 2010. He chose his mom the day he laid his head on her chest, from there it was an inseparable bond. He was his mom's own ‘personal stalker’, he always had to be with her. He was a very loyal and loving pup. Titan loved going up to his Pap’s camp and to his Uncle Rich’s house.  In his younger years, he enjoyed going to the dog park. He loved going on walks in the woods with his mom, dad & fur sister, sneaking off to take a swim in the pond and just hanging out with his family. Titan left footprints on every heart he came across.  So go run free my Titan boy, my bubbas, my handsome boy, you deserve it! Go run free with your fur brother Bruiser and your grandma “Gram-Cracker” (Susy Spirko). We love and miss you so much buddy! Until we meet again my sweet angel face baby…. 


Bubba Doo entered this world in 2008.  His first family lived near Republic, Pennsylvania.  On October 7, 2011, following the death of Poppy Tomotchko, Bubba moved to Pittsburgh, and Paul Tomotchko and Timothy Thompson became his dads.  Bubba Doo was loved by all who met him.  His heart and personality made him a larger-than-life legend.  He even had his story page called:  Tails of Bubba Doo, The Faithful and Under Your Feet Wiener-Dog.”  Bubba passed peaceably in the arms of daddy Paul with Tim at his side. Bubba was preceded in death by his feline sisters, Mama Mama, Baby Baby, and Slippers. His kitty sister, Jerry, misses him.    He will be remembered forever by his dads, Paul and Tim, and his first family Jamie, Michael, Christian, and Bradley.  Also missing him are Sherre, Kevin, Dylan, Desiree, Savannah, Cory, Alexandria, Ashley, and Breann. Also missing Bubba will be his friend, John.  From his love of cheese, treats, walks, and car rides with his ears flapping in the wind to eating up the attention he always drew, Bubba will truly never be forgotten.  Run free, little man.


Odin – you came to me from Michigan during a frozen polar vortex. You were living outside and only known as Meow Meow. You were battered, bruised, and missing an ear but to me…you were the most handsomest boy ever. You never let your FIV+ status slow you down even though because of it, we needed a little more time to introduce you to the family. But once that happened, you loved your brothers and sister, and they all loved you, especially Ellie. You were such a gentle, quiet, and peaceful soul. Even through all your quietness, you managed to get yourself deeply embedded into the hearts of everyone who ever met you. Sweet Odin – you are so very much missed and loved.


Geno Bambino,

My little man, baby boy, mommy's little guy – you made me a mommy and you taught me so much on how to care for a little 2lb ball of fur. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one. You had a wider face than your litter brother and I referred to you as the wide faced one after I met you at 5 weeks old but in my heart, you were already my Geno. You were such a skittish and scared little guy when you finally did come home for good with your mommy and I did everything I could to make you as comfortable as possible.

After roughly 4 nights of crying your tiny face off about being put in your crate at night, I decided I couldn't hear it anymore. I brought you out and placed you right next to me in bed and that is where you forever stayed night after night. Those early days also had you playing hard but naps were a given throughout the day and mommy always stopped to take them with you.

You turned into a very sensitive man and you can thank Mommy for that. For example, you once slipped down 2 stairs when you were little, cried for a second and went back to playing. Mommy, on the other hand, cried for 5 minutes over it, thinking you were hurt but you were fine. There was also the time you kept cleaning yourself so I looked to make sure everything was fine but saw these little black dots down there. I was so scared you had something wrong. Needless to say, 80 dollars later at the vet, mommy learned that you, as a boy dog, had nipples. You were my first boy doggy and I had so much to learn and I will forever cherish the journey we went on during your life here on Earth, no matter how silly it was at times.

And I know you weren't too thrilled I brought your sissy home almost a year after you. You kept looking at her like, “what the heck is this?” and “why is she tinier than me?” But she loved you so much and I pray that she is with you now.

Then a year after sissy came home, you met mommy's future husband. Of course I did not know that at the time but you sure did and was not a fan of someone hogging your mommy. You chewed up 2 pairs of glasses, his credit cards, his ID, and even took a $20 from his wallet and hid it under the bed. And not just anywhere under the bed but right in the middle of the bed so no one could reach you. The love-hate relationship never stopped cause 2 years after we got married, mommy and daddy got quite the surprise when you decided to secretly lift your leg and perfectly pee right in his shoe without leaving any mess around it. That story is my absolute favorite and you really let him know how you felt. Surprisingly though, this past year, as your heart murmur progressed, daddy helped mommy out so much with you during that time and you finally started to come around to him. It had taken you almost 9 years and I commend you baby G for your strong loyalty to your mommy for so long. It absolutely meant the world to me to know that I was your person.

Now with you and your sissy gone, I want you both to know that you were and still are mommy's entire world and I am going to miss you so much. From the time I was 23 years old until 34, it was us against the world and I will keep that time forever in my heart. Also, please keep your little sister company until I can one day be with you both again – my little stinker babies.

Fly high and pain free my baby boy.

Love you sososo much,
Mommy & Daddy


She was everything we wanted and more. Her time here with us was not nearly long enough. She was the very goodest of girls. Our hearts are heavy without her here. We cherish all the memories we got to have with her. From her loving greets at the door everyday, to the best of cuddles, the little forehead nudges and so much more. Everyone she met loved her and she loved them. Until we meet again you are always in our hearts!


Our little boy and sweetheart Quigley went to see his sister Katie over the Rainbow Bridge . We will missed his little antics like toe licking, playing with his dumbbell and telling us he wants his lick mat now. He enjoyed going outside just to bark. Most of all he enjoyed his spaghetti and meatballs and beef vegetable soup. We will miss you Quigie especially your 5 am trot down the hall with the wake-up bark. You will always be in hearts. Love you for ever and ever  [❤️]  Deb, Char, Albie and Erie


Mia Bella, 
You were the sweetest doggy I ever met. No person was ever safe from sniffs and kisses when they saw you. Mommy and Daddy will forever miss you and are trying to find solace that you are pain free, running around doggy heaven. We talked for hours about how you always wanted to be touched. You would plop yourself down in front of us and show us your tummy to rub. If we did not abide, you would start to whine. We would give anything to have you do this again.
I hope you know that mommy did everything in her power to give you a good life. From the massive amounts of toys, clothes (that you hated), yummy treats, to so many comfy beds/blankets spread all over the house. You would never go wanting or needing anything. And you never really needed those things, because all you cared about was hugs, belly rubs, and kisses from us. Your big brother Geno is very confused right now but I think he is starting to realize you are gone. Although he acts tough, I know he is going to miss you for the rest of his life until you two can reunite in doggy heaven. Your love for him was never doubted in our house. When he was in the hospital, you refused to eat until he came home. You needed him up until you left him. Always trying to cuddle him and lay with him. He hated it but for some reason allowed you to do it these final days.

Your loving, caring, silly personality will be one of the things I miss the most. Also your need to be right next to one of us, whether it is at our side, feet, or just laying on top of our chests. It isn't goodbye our baby girl, but see you later. We always will love you and you will forever be in our hearts.

Mommy, Daddy, and big bro Geno