
Money has his wings and he was a trouper all through his life.  He brought so much joy to our whole family and children that knew him and especially Mister who gave him and Chelsea walks and Money wants to thank you for loving him so much.


If you could see me now, I am running free with no arthritis in my legs.  I had 17 good years with my family and friends.  Thank you mom for getting me a companion, Chelsea, how I loved her so.  I had the best medical team that any dog could ask for at Banfield Hospital in North Hills.  Everyone was so attentive to my needs until I was thinking I was the favorite but all of the pets were treated so wonderful at Banfield.  Thanks mom for loving me so much. Thanks mom and Diane for taking me and Chelsea on walks and meeting in the park on the northside after you worked all nite long and taking me to the tennis courts and you and Diane pretending like you two were playing tennis but in reality letting me and Chelsea at that time run and play and then when Chelsea passed I missed her so much and then you introduced me to Maxx who was Grandmoms shizu, and tell Maxx whats up boy, I let you do what you wanted to do, never to harm you and boy didn’t you know I was a Pitbull, I was big in size but  had a heart of gold and I really loved you Maxx, be a good boy as you are until we meet again. Maxx I hope you can do your volunteer work once the pandemic is over and give all the emotional support and love to people who need it so much.

So family I will look over you and I know I am always in your hearts as you are in mines so do as I would Love-and give love until we meet again. 

Woof  and peace and Love – your Money Lou.


“Chloe died early Wednesday morning on Jan. 12th in the comfort of her owner’s, Marisela, home. Chloe recently turned 18 on Dec. 24th, 2021. She was able to see one last birthday and Christmas. Chloe was given as a Valentine’s Day gift and she truly was a gift the 18 years that followed. Chloe was the most independent, loyal and intelligent dog in her household. She had an alpha dog complex to her and every dog in the house knew it. They never teased her because they knew she was the boss despite her size. Chloe enjoyed naps in her bed by the heater vent, walks around the house, and car rides with the windows down despite the weather. She loved car rides and loved sticking her head out the window eventhough the wind could blow her away. Chloe also enjoyed wearing pink sweaters in the winter time because it made her feel special. And she was special. She will be truly missed.”

Griselda De

On January 5 ,2022 boss baby blanca (stinker,dinker ,dinkybutt,boss baby) gained her wings and made her way to heaven early this morning. I never imagined this for our baby.  When we got her we were not ready so unprepared it all happened so fast but we got ready. you were so perfect so pretty and stubborn and sassy different and unique just like your mom. It was your way or no way. One day your dad woke up and booked a flight to come get you in may 31 2021 and i knew it was real. When we came up with your name we were joking around but everyone loved it and it stuck with you. sadly we only had 8 hard rough months together but you were the star of the whole year our happiness. You made the long days short. Her brothers king and royal sends there love. If we could just have one more day with you god knows we would give it all. I’ll miss you barking every time you didn’t get your way or when you heard us speaking and we didn’t let you out. The greetings every time you seen us you let it be known you were there. Dinker you broke us with this but we know your here still with us forever in our hearts . We love you boss baby Blanca. Now your in Heaven with bouji run forever as fast as you can. You made it your at peace.

Sasha of the Bear

Dear Sasha

When you tapped into my life I didn’t imagine that you would impact it so much. You’ve eliminated my fear, suppressed my anxiety and ultimately made me a stronger person. Every walk, every nap, and every wiggle made my day. When I wake up and call your name your tail would make the home room shake. Sasha I just want to tell you how you’ve impacted every person that crossed your path with the way you would grin, put your your ears back and toot your butt up for scratches. Girl you protected daddy through his war days and was by his side for tragedy. There’s no other dog in this world that could live up to what you’ve done for us. Auguse, Oliver, Binkx, Nila, and Dino all miss you as much as me and daddy. They will continue to look for you forever Momma Bear. We promise we won’t miss a day without inviting you to come to work, take a car trip, or run outside to wrestle with Dino. We love you. We have to learn how to breathe all over again, For You Girl. Thank you for the 3 extra years of your life. Thank you for staying strong until the end. We love you a million Ol DonkaBooty. Tootles.


Sadie Rose Brown (Age 10) 
Born March 14, 2011 
Died December 18, 2021 
Sadie was adopted at the age of 9 weeks from the Indiana Humane Society by Lori Brown and her children Evan & Courtney. Sadie lived a wonderful life full of adventures. She was loved by so many family and friends. Sadie loved riding with her Mom to pick up the kids at school or run errands. Our lives are so empty without her. 
Lori would like to thank PVSEC for their kindness and compassion while taking care of Sadie. Lori would also like to thank Sadie's special friends Tom & Cindy. They loved watching over Sadie while her Mom was at work or visiting with family. They took such wonderful care over her the last week of her life because she was unable to go up and down her stairs at home. 
We know we will see you again in Heaven, until then we know you are running pain free. Love you always our sweet Sadie Rose. 

Lucky Romeo

On December 28, 2021, Lucky went for his journey across the Rainbow Bridge. When Lucky came to our family on August 11th 2018 we were unsure of his official date of birth so we always celebrated his Gotcha Day as his birthday. We also were unsure of his age as we were told he was 122 years old from the shelter. Unfortunately lucky life before he came to his forever home was uneventful. After his Cali momma Traci rescued him and shared his story all over Facebook  I just knew that he was meant for our family.  Lucky gave us 3 and half years of love. If only we had more time with our precious Duck Duck. He finally knew what having love and a family was like.  His little body tried so hard and he was tired. 
Doodle bug thank you for trusting us After you were failed by others.  I'll miss your spunk and spoiled ways and my greetings everyday. I love you baby boy and will hold you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms. Go run free with your healed body and wait for me, find fifi kitty and Play Duck duck goose with him.  


Honey filled our home with love for 12 years.  Sweet and affectionate, she like to paw at your face when she wasn't getting enough attention.  Honey knew that she was part of the family and not just a pet. When we left the house, she followed us to the door as if to say “Where are we going?”.  She enjoyed car rides, and she loved to cuddle.  Guests to our house will never forget her “performances” with the stuffed dog that would lay untouched except when company came over.  We miss her dearly but still feel her warmth and love.  Honey, you will always be our beloved and faithful friend.


Zoey (known as “Munchie” by friends and family) Vash was taken away from us on 12/20/21 after an extended illness.  Munchie is no longer in any pain or suffering. Munchie joined our family in May 2005 when she was discovered as a stray kitten. She was brought home with her sister, Kloey (“Cece”) Vash, who passed away on 3/11/2015.  Munchie was the sweetest most intelligent cat and was able to train her owners very well to get everything she wanted regardless of time of day. It was Munchie’s way or no way. In October 2004, we bought our first home and within 7 months, Munchie and Cece were part of the family. Munchie remained in the home until her passing at almost 17 years old.   In January 2016, Munchie had a new family member named Boey (Bose) Conlogue when Boey’s mother and father (Munchie’s grandparents) moved into our home.  Boey had many medical issues and ultimately passed away on 12/6/2017.  On 12/20/2018, Munchie was given another sister named December (“Decy”, “Lou” Louis”) Vash. Munchie let it be known immediately that she was the one in charge of the house. Throughout the past 3 years they formed a special bond, in which, Munchie would simply ignore Decy. In July 2021, Munchie unexpectedly lost her grandfather, who loved her very much and referred to her as “Baby or Bubba Munch”. He would often give her treats, which she loved, many times throughout the day and night.  Munchie was a huge part of the family and will tremendously be missed by all especially her mother, father, and grandmother. 


In Memory of Roxy aka Rox-a-Roo aka Foxy Roxy

6/28/09 – 12/7/21

Forever Loved

Roxy was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. We got her in Erie, PA when she was just 4 months old. She was loyal, loving, affectionate, and loved to play with her squeaky toys. She was a people pleaser, and loved to pose for pictures. In May 2013, we started her Facebook page, “Foxy Roxy the Italian Greyhound”, which currently has 7,866 followers. Later that year, she was in American Dog Magazine for Most Famous Dogs on Facebook. In March 2015, we got a male puppy Italian Greyhound named Greyson. Roxy and Greyson bonded immediately and became best furiends. They traveled everywhere together going on many adventures. Together, Roxy and Greyson have won over 10 photo and costume contests, they made 3 professional calendars together which were sold worldwide, and raised $3,000 for animal rescues. In December 2017, they were on the Christmas cover of PetConnections Magazine, along with a cover story promoting one of their calendars. Over the years, Roxy’s huge personality and beautiful photos have influenced thousands of people from around the world. Her fans love and adore her. Some of her fans have even traveled hundreds of miles just to meet her in person. Roxy’s favorite places to go were Presque Isle State Park Beaches in Erie, and the Brownsville Drive-in. She loved to cuddle up under a blanket, and take naps. Her favorite food was chicken. Roxy was truly a special dog and will be loved and missed by her mom and dad, Mona and Jason, brother Greyson, and cats, Minnie and Lucky. She will be our little angel forever. We will always keep her memory alive.


Chino aka ChiChi bean aka Cheeny – he was the leader of the group in our house. He was ornery at times but he also never met a fettucine noodle that he didn’t love. Or a piece of cheese. Or salami. But more than anything, he loved his brother, Cinders. They were true brothers (from the same litter) and bonded like I’ve never seen. We lost Cinders earlier in the year and in my heart, I knew we’d probably lose the Cheech master soon. Never let anyone tell you that animals don’t mourn. They do and Chino did. He never really got over his brother being gone. When he started getting sick, he went downhill very fast. He wanted to be with his brother. His orneriness and grumbling is missed terribly but we take comfort in knowing they are together forever. Fly high Chino! Fly high with your brother.