
We adopted Otis from a shelter.  We always wondered what his life was like before we met him.  He was a very nice Puggle, but his nose was all beagle.  He would sniff the many wonders of the world for hours if you let him.  The 3 boys he saw growing up were his best friends.  Andrew, Josh, and Nick will miss Otis so much.  We are all grateful he was brought into our lives, by our friend, Lillian.  And, we appreciate all the friends who helped care for him while we were away.  Libby, Laurel, Zoe, Lauren, and Jen.  Thank you.  He loved a good rub down by all the many friends who would come and visit.  He knew who to throw those sad eyes towards. He also knew to sit by the guests because they may hold a piece of food within his reach. My mom knew where to rub behind his ears and always knew what he was thinking.  His little brother, Lucky was too hyper for him most of the time, but I think he secretly liked it.  And then, who doesn't have a fulfilled life without an uncle who paints your tail and it draws a line on your back?  Or, an uncle that was so trusting of Otis that he really did believe Otis would stay close when not on a leash.  Boy, Otis got one over on Uncle Chris for sure!  He loved a good comfy bed, a warm coat, and beggin' strips.  His neck dawned the colors of Slippery Rock University proudly.  He knew who to bark at when he wanted to be fed in the evenings and his dad was the perfect person to get up off the couch! He hated his feet touched, but loved a good game of chase around the kitchen table. Yes, Otis was with us for 12 years and will be remembered always. Rest well, our sweet puppy!


 Safari was born October 22 2017. She was a special gift for my wife. She was the last to be chosen out of the litter. We were thrilled to have her. Safari was named because of her uniqueness. The tiny one brought tears of joy. Safari will be missed by all but never forgotten.


All puppers  automatically go to heaven and Buster is no exception. Rest is peace to the sweetest, goodest, most loving dog we had the privilege of loving for nine wonderful years.



Cinders Rattenni


Cinders was born to a stray living outside a stranger’s house and thanks to my son, he and his brother, Chino, ended up in our home. That was 17 years ago. While Chino spent some time living with my son before coming back to me, Cinders never left me. He went through many moves, upheaval, family turmoil, and through it all, he was my snuggle buddy. He would pace between the bedroom door and wherever I was when the clock struck 10pm.  He was letting me know it was time for bed. He was such a loving and gentle soul with the most beautiful green eyes. He was my rock. He was my soul kitty. He took more than a little piece of my heart with him when he left. He took a huge chunk. I will love you forever and always, Cinders. You will always be my Cinnybuns.


‘A million times I’ve needed you ~ A million times I’ve cried.  If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.  In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still.  In my heart you hold a place, no one else can ever fill.  It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn’t go alone.  Part of me went with you, the day God took you home.’

I could never thank you enough for all of the companionship, loyalty, joy and friendship you brought to our lives.  We are so very blessed and lucky that we got to share 13 of the greatest years with you.  You were the BEST big brother and the kids will miss and love you forever.  I will always smile, knowing you can ‘play puppy’ forever.  Always in our hearts ~ Lucca ~ {Booger/Bucca}


On Friday, March 5, 2021 after a yearlong battle with Cushing’s and Kidney Disease, Mason Golonka peacefully crossed over the rainbow bridge surround by his loving family.  Mason came into our lives on October 27, 2013 from Louisville, KY through Animal Advocates.  Mason was a sweet and gentle Beagle who was beloved by everyone he met and was the life of a party.  Mason enjoyed barking and chasing bunnies, deer, and squirrel around his yard along with greeting all the walkers in his neighborhood.  Mason spent time in the kitchen with his human mom watching her cook and then occasionally counter surfing when no one was looking.  During the summer months Mason could be found with his human dad on their deck grilling and chilling into the early evenings.  The Golonka household hosted many celebrations and you would always find Mason working the room with his Beagle charm and bark to sway family members to give him a little something off their plates.  His patience and perseverance always paid off. On sunny days Mason loved basking in the sunshine on the deck in addition to chasing his sister in fur Rosy around for playtime. Everyday Mason looked forward to howling at the UPS and FedEx drivers especially when it was delivery day, he would always say hello and wish them well.  Bark Box day was a favorite as he would receive new toys to play and tear to pieces.  Mason would often be found looking out the front window watching the world go by.  Friday nights were his favorite as he waited patiently for the pizza delivery person to visit. Mason is survived by his human mother and father, Kimrlee and Larry Golonka along with his sister in fur Rosy in addition to his Grandmother, several aunts, uncles, human and fur cousins.  He is preceded in death by his brother in fur Henry and sister in fur Rita. A private ceremony took place at Green Pet Funeral Home and Crematory and a celebration of his life will occur in late Spring / early Summer following COVID guidelines.  In lieu of flowers, donations are recommended to Animal Friends, Inc. or Animal Advocates.  Mason you took a piece of our heart with you and we look forward to being reunited someday.


Jayden was our beautiful Nebelung little girl and one of our best friends. There are no words (or too many) to describe what a great/unconditional family member she has been and the countless hours of joy she brought to us. One of our son’s (Bill) surprised us with her and her brother (Ollie/RIP 6/10/08-3/12/20) on my birthday in August 2008 when they were less than 2 months old, and she was always a loving family addition throughout her time with us.

Jayden was an indoor girl and she never tried to run outside or into the garage – she never got into trouble but was a great mouser. She was a very petite little girl and had a petite personality to match, but always seemed to be happy in her own quite way – she loved scratching her scratch-pad multiple times per day, laying on her back (legs up) in the window soaking-up the sun, and sleeping next to the living room heater vent in the winter. She would always irritate her brother Ollie (who was 8lbs bigger) for fun by playing with his tail and liked to jump into open boxes or play with small knick-knacks around the house. Our home now feels so empty without her and her big brother being around.
Although Jayden was taken from us suddenly (without showing any symptoms), well before her time, and she will miss us; I’m sure her journey to pet heaven was a good one, because she never complained and is now with her brother again. We will miss/love her for the rest of our lives. RIP Jayden (6/10/08-2/25/21).


Our sweet and sassy Ruby crossed the rainbow bridge in the early morning hours on March 3, just shy of her 13th birthday. Ruby was loved by so many because of her feisty but loving attitude, her unique personality and overall charm. She was the queen of the house and her daddy’s favorite. Ruby enjoyed laying in the sun, barking at birds, eating and sleeping. Over the years she went on a few trips but her favorite would probably be to Hershey, Pa where she slept in a king size bed at night and lounged by the pool during the day. Ruby was quite the character and loved everyone she met and had a soft spot for her fur sister Paislee who she would lay with at night when she wasn’t feeling well. She was her daddy’s best friend and the light in our life. Our house will never be the same again without our sweet baby girl. Ruby you are missed by so many


Our ever so faithful, beloved and loyal dog Rico has finally crossed that rainbow bridge into greener grass. 

He loved snuggling with his mama, naps where ever he could find a comfy spot  and eating anything we allowed him too. Rico entered our lives 13 years ago to teach us what unconditional love was. Rico may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. He will live on forever in our hearts


Brooklyn “Cuddies” Catalopolous, 18, died in the very early morning hours in the warmth and comfort of his bed on March 1, 2021 after a very brief but severe illness. Born in April, 2003 in an auto mechanic’s garage in the Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY, he was brought to his first home on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in mid-May, the result of his parent’s very eager Craigslist search.

Having been the only tiny kitten of his litter that the mechanic was able to capture from amidst the car parts, Brooklyn’s affection was obvious from the very first night he spent in his new home. On this night, he crawled over the couch cushion barrier placed at the top of the spiral staircase for his protection, quietly made his way down the precarious steps, and clawed his way up the bedspread to sleep with his parents, John and Todd. The next morning, Brooklyn established the almost daily routine of visiting each parent in the shower, lapping up clean water, and bucking the stereotype that cats prefer not to get wet. Thus began Brooklyn’s predilection for drinking primarily from the bathtub faucet, or getting “tubbies” each day.

A constant companion, Brooklyn traveled extensively throughout the Northeast over the next three years. He would jump, with elation, into his own Sherpa travel cat carrier when his parents would simply lay the bag on the floor, open it, and call out the phrase “Jeannie’s packing up!”  Weekend jaunts to places like the Jersey Shore, Boston, MA, Providence, RI, and Portsmouth NH, amongst others, were second nature to this adventurous cat. Checking in to hotels with a litter box in tow became second nature to John and Todd.

Resilient and intrepid, Brooklyn enjoyed experiencing two new homes over this time period as well:  one in Jersey City, NJ and another in Mt. Lebanon, PA. Brooklyn’s Jersey City rowhouse afforded him the space and ability to stretch his legs and run around in ways he had never imagined possible in his cramped Manhattan apartment. It was here that his love of chasing lattice jingle-ball cat toys was solidified — but only those whose ring produced an extremely specific timbre afforded by an extraordinarily particular type of metal bell. A cat toy connoisseur, Brooklyn looked forward to visits from his Auntie Nickol, who always arrived generously with gifts in hand (and well-manicured nails, perfect for scratchies.) His ability to chase or capture jingle-balls and toy mice earned him great renown, even internationally, as his UK mates Charlotte and James admired his prowess during their visits.

Brooklyn’s love of the outdoors first became apparent upon his westward move to Mt. Lebanon. Although he enjoyed trips to Central Park as a resident of the Upper West Side, Brooklyn had never before had access to his own private outdoor space. He enjoyed working with John in the garden and sitting on the back porch with friends. He made his desire to venture outdoors abundantly clear by pounding on the kitchen storm door, alternating rapidly between his two front paws, until anyone in earshot or eyeshot agreed to acquiesce to his “polite” request. This became playfully known as Brooklyn’s “cat treadmill.” It was here in Mt. Lebanon, however, that his celebrated days of being an “only cat” would soon come to an end.

In 2008 Brooklyn met a brother, Gryffin, with whom he enjoyed spending time until his very last day, even despite the lack of sense and intelligence that Brooklyn perceived in his companion. Gryffin’s despondency as a result of the loss of his brother continues to be both apparent and heartbreaking. Also in 2008, Brooklyn’s Aunt Alycia and cousin Davie moved in to his Mt. Lebanon home. Although not a great fan of dogs, Brooklyn’s eagerness to teach manners to his cousin Davie became evident through the frequent growls and swift swats that were intended to let her know that she could stay in HIS home, but only if she would agree to toe the line.

This time period saw an increase in visits to his grandparents’ houses. Brooklyn enjoyed visiting Nana Hope, who affectionately called him “Brookies,” and Pop Pop John, who loved taunting and playing with him under a sweatshirt while whistling and shouting “Brooklyn! Do you wanna fight?!” (Brooklyn’s implied response was always undoubtedly a resounding “Yes!”) It was here that Brooklyn first encountered his avian friend Tidbits, with whom he would peacefully share a home in his later years.

Additionally he often traveled to visit grandparents Grammie Deb and Papa Fred, who were both loving caregivers to Brooklyn over the years, attending to his needs, sneaking him treats, and cuddling with him nightly. Visits to both sets of grandparents were referred to by John and Todd as a trip to a “cat spa.” Brooklyn undoubtedly relished both the opportunity to travel as well as any time spent as the only cat in grandparents’ households in Trappe, PA and Latrobe, PA. The unlimited attention, pampering, food, and relaxation were worthy of any quality spa, and certainly comprised some of his happiest hours on Earth. Brooklyn continued to appreciate these visits throughout his entire life.

In 2011, after Alycia and Davie moved out, Brooklyn met his cousins Greg, Tuss, and Moo Shoo, with whom he surprisingly and inexplicably enjoyed cohabitating for a few years. It was not uncommon for someone to wake up with “’Cuddies,’ ‘Gryf,’ and ‘The Old Lady & The Shoo’” all sleeping together in the same bed with them. But this peace was not to last.

After his cousins moved to Shadyside, Brooklyn eventually moved to his fourth and final home in the fall of 2014 in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA. The next summer would see the addition of two brothers to the household within a mere few weeks. Longtime friend Anthony, who first learned of the legend of Brooklyn through math problems created for his 9th grade class, returned from a Fulbright Scholarship in Bulgaria along with Niko to live at home with Brooklyn. Very shortly thereafter, Gingey’s nightly visits from one of the Lawrenceville cat colonies to Brooklyn’s back garden morphed into a permanent in-home residency. Brooklyn’s patience with these two “Raptors,” as they have become known, was understandably thin and most certainly waned as the years progressed. But as they say: with age comes wisdom.

It was during this time that Brooklyn cleverly trained Todd and John to create a permanent and personal “cat spa,” but this time in his very own home. Gryffin would be the only other cat ever granted admittance. He also thoroughly enjoyed spending his days in the back garden away from the Raptors most of the year while napping in the shade, drinking from the fountain, and chasing birds, mice, and moles all while exploring his own private and verdant wonderland. He appreciated being taken on increasingly frequent visits to his grandparents’ homes in his advanced years.

A special thanks to Brooklyn’s many caretakers: Kandis & Greg, Nick, Alycia, Jason & Blair, and especially grandparents Deb & Fred, with whom he spent the last three months elatedly being pampered and spoiled. It was there, just one week before his passing that Brooklyn met his newest canine cousin Rudy, whom he was able to scold, hiss at, and frighten with the energy, vigor, and vitality of a significantly younger cat.

Brooklyn will be forever missed; some of his ashes will be scattered near his favorite cat mint plant in the back garden as well as near his first home on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where we initially learned what a unique, exceptional, unforgettable and irreplaceable cat he truly was. May his spirit forever grace our home and hearts, yet haunt the Raptors forever!