Mr. Big

June 25, 2020 ~ You went on your own terms which was the way you lived your kitty life. I tried to make you better, Mr. Big. I tried so hard but I guess sometimes all the trying and love in the world isn't enough. I hope you found Elliot, Gibbs, Cody, and Max. You were the best boi ever and I love you, Mr. Big.


Eddie, our 3rd oldest rescue, a 10 year old silver tabby, who was as handsome of a young man that you could ever imagine, passed away peacefully, safely and comfortably wrapped in the arms of his 2 favorite humans, Sam and Johnny.
To say we are all heartbroken, is an understatement. We are all at a complete loss for words.
We will miss Eddie every day.
He brought such love, joy and personality to our family, as do all of our cats.
We Will Always Love You Eddie.
Thank you for sharing your life with us.

~Jesus, it seems this is the time for Eddie to leave this world and to enter Your heavenly garden. Mercifully remove all suffering. Make the transition to death swift and full of Your peace. Usher him into Your heavenly kingdom gently and graciously. We thank You for giving him to us to share our pilgrimage here, and we look forward to being reunited with him there. Eddie, we love you, and we release you into your Creator’s eternal hand. Go in peace.


Bonnie, or “Bon Bon”, was more than a dog, she was our baby. She was fun, love, perfection, and sass all rolled into one. Bon loved going on walks to bark and chase people, especially bikers and runners. She loved spending time with her Grand-paw and got so excited when she knew we were heading there for the day. An observer by nature, Bonnie enjoy sitting in the yard and watching for birds, animals, people, and brave cats who dared show themselves in her presence. One thing she didn’t like was spending time in her crate. She was a ninja and taught herself how to open it up to get out! She was extremely smart when she needed to be. But at the end of the day, Bonnie just wanted to be cuddled and then stretch out on the couch or in bed with us beside her. She was the best dog we could have ever asked for. Bonnie was pure love. We will miss you everyday until we meet again. We love you forever & always. 


Sam was a once in a lifetime cat. He left an impression on every person that met him. He was no ordinary cat. He sat like a human, played fetch like a dog, and chirped like a bird. He was there to comfort you when you were sad and to sneak any leftover food off of your plate. He would always make sure his sisters, and you, were clean. His heart was as big as his belly. At only 9 years old the world has lost Sam too soon but his impression on all of us will last a lifetime. We love you Sam, thanks for everything.


Gunner passed away on 6/14/20 after a 7- month brave battle against cancer.  He put up a hard fight. He was also lovingly known as “Gunny Buns,” loved by everyone who knew him for his bigger than life personality.   Gunner enjoyed playing with his brothers and sister Chloe, who passed away earlier this year.  He loved walking with his Dad and checking the chickens, or being his Mom’s shadow.  He will be greatly missed by everyone.  Survived by his 2 fur brothers, and his human family.


 Monkey wasn’t a pet, she was a member of the family. And not just at home… She was a big part of my work family. Monk was small but had the biggest heart! She would bark at you until you showed her love and would chase you down if you tried to leave without her. She loved her human siblings more than anything. Until we meet again, mommy loves you baby girl!


Pretty Girl

Pretty Girl was my best dog ever. She kept me company for 17 years. She helped me through alot of hard times by just being by my side. She loved the farm, sitting in the big chair with me and running in the yard. She will be truly missed and in my heart forever. 


On June 3rd, Heaven gained a beautiful, happy princess angel named Charley.  Chuck, as she was known to her family, was born on February 10, 2015 and came to her forever family on April 2, 2015.  Through illness, injury and heartbreak, Charley was a faithful companion who showed nothing but unconditional love…even when she was the cause of those injuries.

How do you pay tribute to a dog who was more than a pet and had so many quirks? Words don’t seem to be enough to describe how truly wonderful and unique she was and how much she was loved.  This tribute doesn’t seem like enough for a dog who had such an impact on so many but her family could write forever about her.

Her favorite part of every day was when her people would come home from work.  Everyone got their own special greeting but each began with an excited bark, a thumping tail and tippy tappy feet.  4:50 pm was her favorite time of day because it was when she got to go outside and run her yard while chasing down her favorite green squeaky stick.  She knew when it was time and would run around barking and jumping at the door until she was released to run like a flash; not a single inch of her yard was left uninspected.  She was a true professional when it came to tracking and catching her stick.

Char-Char was spoiled, always getting what she wanted.  She loved sitting on laps, getting her butt scratched, going for car rides, begging for food, playing with hair ties and being around her people.  Since she was a puppy, every night ended with her sitting on mom’s lap for hugs and then demanding to go into her “house” for bedtime.  Her winning smile and good looks landed her a gig as a brand ambassador for dog bandanas and she was an Instagram star.

Charley is survived by her “mom” Jill, her grandpawrents Fran “Wheels” and Smitty “Doofus”, Uncle Alex and Aunt Taylor, Great Aunt Cookie and Great Uncle Jay, her fur cousin Riley and many furry friends and their families all over the globe.

While Charley was taken from us far too soon and we will miss her barking, her nails on the floor, being canopenered, scratching her butt, rubbing her velvety ears, her hair over everything, her smile and cuddles, we are comforted by the knowledge that every day of her life was the best day ever and we treated her like a princess.  We will remember all of the adventures we had together from broken femurs to Independence Day parades to Christmas to weddings to just every single day we had with her.  We also find solace in knowing that Charley never met a stranger and left huge pawprints on the hearts of everyone she met.



Brody was born on March 20th, 2007.  A black and white tuxedo Maine Coon.


He was a best friend, who also happened to be a cat.  He was very intelligent and emotionally aware of everyone he considered in his pack.  He would often listen to commands, like “C’mon Brody, let’s go in here” or “Hey, you wanna go outside?”.


He loved talking to you, he was a very communicative.  If he needed something, he always let you know.  He had a nightly routine, and a morning routine.  Both were generally a ritual dance to keep you from leaving the house, and to give him food before you went to sleep. 


He loved unconditionally, so much that if you left the house, he would start howling for you to come home or when he couldn’t find you in the house.  He always just wanted to be around you and hang out with the big cats (humans).  


We had some tough moments, but 99% of our journey together was good times and unconditional love.


Most cats have 9 lives, Brody had 11.  When he was 2 years old he was diagnosed with hypo-cardiomyopathy.  Where the two lower chambers of his heart were bigger than they were supposed to be.  The vet gave him a maximum of 2 years to live.  He was very bad at math…so it was not until 7 years later that he developed Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).  When they diagnosed CHF, they gave anywhere from 6 months to 2 years max.  He again, bad at math and very stubborn, ignored the doctors and was living well 4 years later.  He’s had other procedures in between to help extend his life and he’s had several ups and downs, but he always bounced back.


Sadly, on March 28th, 2020.  Brody went in for a procedure called a “chest tap”.   He had water building up around his lungs and needed to be drained so there wouldn’t be pressure on his lungs and other organs.  There was a complication during the procedure and he went into cardiac arrest.


He leaves behind his beloved family, Harry Caskey, Brian Coulter and his siblings Quimby and Jasper.


We miss him so much, and life is not the same without him.  His impact leaves a lifelong mark on all our hearts.


Piper Berg – March 2007 to May 2020
Piper LuAnn — you were a little dog with a huge personality.  You brought us so much happiness with your enthusiasm and excitement.  Spunky is an understatement, but that is what made you so special. Your sudden passing has left us with a heartbreaking emptiness.  There are so many things that we will miss about you, Roo.  Your sweet loving “blinkey” eyes and your bouncing around with a toy in your mouth when we would come home.  Rudy, we wish we could see you one more time so we could put our arms around you or for Dad to pick you up and hold you in his arm on the couch.  We hope that wherever you are that you are happy and remember how much we love you.  May God bless your soul and I pray that we will someday see each other again.  We will love you and miss you forever, Little Pants.