Maxine "Max"

Maxi came into our lives in 2016, along with her brother Gunner, who sadly passed earlier this year. She was the sweetest girl in the world, and just wanted to be around her humans.
I already miss her hops before we opened the front door to let her outside, I miss her greeting me at the door with one of her unstuffed animals as a gift, the way she’d wave her paw at you when she wanted pets, the random tumbleweeds of Maxi fur that would roll across the floor all the time because ya girl had a TON of fur that no amount of brushing could tame, her sitting next to me on the porch and nuzzling my arm so she could get closer, snuggling our heads during a thunderstorm at night, I could go on forever.
My only comfort is hoping she’s somewhere with Gunner, as well as Jimmy and Justin (her previous owners), laying in the grass soaking up the sun, sharing cheese and peanut butter. We will love you forever, Maxi girl, the floofiest floof that ever floofed.


We have had Chloe as part of our family since 8 weeks old.  She was one of the special girls in our pack of 10 at one time.  As a pup she was fiesty and got to go everywhere we went.  We were blessed to have her as part of our lives for 10 years.  She will forever be in our hearts. 


My best friend and beautiful boy, Buddy, passed into his next life August 31, 2021 as I cradled him in my hands.
Buddy was a shelter pet and we enjoyed four wonderful years together as we drew closer. He loved cuddling and having snacks, especially popcorn.
Buddy, you made me so happy.
''My love is deeper than the holler, stronger than the river.'' – Randy Travis



Bear was a typical black cat. He was sweet, loving, and handsome as could be. Unfortunately he got off to a bad start in life due to where he lived. He had many things wrong with him as a result of it. On Saturday 09/04, I lost him to one of the many strikes he had against him. Bear- I hope your wonky legs are letting you run around at the Bridge. I hope everything that was hurting your head is gone. And I hope you took with you all the love for you that I have in my heart. I couldn’t save you and I will carry that burden with me forever. You were a good boy, Bear. You were the bestest boi and I’ll love and miss you forever.


Dear Maggie was an angel here on earth.   Maggie brought our family so much joy and happiness. She was very loved by us all. Toward the end, she stayed with pappy and helped get him through the hardest time of his life. She brought light where there was darkness. They were there for each other and we are all eternally grateful. Rest in peace with Nanu dear Maggie. We will love you always.


Max was a sweet and gentle boy who lived to please his family.  When he was younger he liked to explore the woods, and never missed a chance to hang out with his human Dad and Brother while they were doing work around the house, or watching sporting events with him.  He was always his human Mom's assistant while she worked from home, was cooking in the kitchen and never left her side.  Max was preceded in death by his sister Chloe and brother Gunner. Max will be greatly missed by his human family.


Gigi was adopted from Fallen Timber Shelter shortly after my husband passed away.  She was a 2 month old kitten.
She made her own place in my home as a sweet, lovable cat.  She became diabetic which we were able to keep
in check for quite a while.  She unexpectedly crossed Rainbow Bridge at home.  She is sadly missed but will always
be in my heart.  Until we meet again sweet Gigi, I will never forget you.


Angel adopted me in 2006 11 days after I lost my 18 year old, Samantha, to kidney failure.
She just showed up on my porch and quickly became one of the sweetest, funniest cats
I have ever had.  She is now sadly missed but will be in my heart forever.  Until we meet
again at Rainbow Bridge my sweet Angel.


Japser was something so special its really hard to put into words he was unlike any cat Iv ever had. He was born on Jan 1st 2021 New Years Day. He was also so happy and silly he also helped me through alot in the time I had him. You will never be forgotten babyJapser.


Helmut Dirkschneider (Stahl)
Helmut was born in the Southside slopes in or around 2001 where he came to live with his Mother, Cassie. For a short period he lived as a foster with his temporary Dad, Dave.
In 2004 He relocated to McCandless to live with his forever family, Brian and Cassie. During this time he became General Manager of Outback Steakhouse on McKnight Road, working his way up to Regional Manager. Though he constantly bummed rides off his parents, he was known to own and operate his own private jet.
In 2006 he moved with his family to Ross Twp, Pa where he remained for the rest of his days.
Helmut enjoyed basking in the sunshine at the top of the stairs, butt pats, anything cheese flavored, mint gum and chasing birds he could not catch. An avid indoorsman, he spent his days on his favorite fleece and choosing toys from his toybox… preferring squirrels, and being an all around good buddy to his bff Brian.
Helmut was the mildest of all cats. He loved all animals, never hissed or scratched and was smarter than your average housecat. He scoffed at laser pointers and made sure to do his “laps” around the house at top speed at least once a week.
Helmut is rumored to have been part bunny due to his soft fur, and hate of having his feets touched.  He smelled of sunshine dust and dryer sheets. 
In his later years, Helmut enjoyed sleeping on the furnace vent in the kitchen eventually moving to his favorite fleece on the couch so he could be around his parents full time. He retired from Outback in order to enjoy his time at home.
Helmut leaves behind his Dad and best buddy Brian, his food giver and Mother, Cassie and a pain in the butt sister, Six…who he tolerated and picked on incessantly.