
 Delilah was born January 16th 2009. She was with a home breeder and had multiple litters before she adopted us in November of 2014. She was full of love and shared that with her pups, one of which is alpha of our home Castiel. She loved the outdoors, just sitting on the back deck fulfilled her activities for any day. Her biggest joy was camping with us. She had her own fireside chair and begged to be sitting in it every time we were camping. Delilah spread joy and happiness anywhere she went, tolerant of most human friends and guarded of other four legged ones. Whether she was snoring or making her piggy noises while getting petted, her stare let you know how much she loved. We are better to have had you share your best years with us. To say we will miss you isn’t enough. Fly with the angels blueberry muffin! We love you!


 “My yorkie Gizmo passed on June 15th 2020. He was 9 years old. I miss him so very much. He was the heart of our household, my doggie soulmate and my once in a lifetime dog. We had an extra special bond with him right away and I feel that even now. I miss his sweet face, his gentle kisses, his demanding attitude and his kind love. He was a great protector and was brave despite his small size. He loved bones, toys, treats and food (especially food that wasn't his). Along with my husband and I, his grandma and all our other pets miss him greatly. Especially his sissy, Bella, she was so close with him. I miss you buggy, I will see you again someday. Love Mom”


Everybody loved Cashy. He loved his family and always wanted to be with us. He loved going for rides in cars, laying in the sun outside, and under his blanket inside. Cashy, we miss you and will love you forever. 


Tinky died peacefully, at home alongside her companion Jazmine of nearly 14 years on Wednesday, August 12th.
Tinky was adopted by Jazmine's mother, Karmen Bell, on December 8th, 2006, and quickly became a dog legends are made of. Tinky arrived in our home with the ability to play hide/seek and also “give paw.” Being able to destroy any crate pillow, climb gates, chew shoes and clothing in her way, Tinky quickly began building loving relationships with all those who came in contact with her, whether it be a new family member, vet, groomer, or whoever's house she found her way to.
A lover of couches and blankets, Tinky had many hobbies. Some of Tinky's favorite activities included barking at things not there, cuddling alongside you, taking over Jazzy's bed, running around in figure 8's, running in circles when it was time to be fed, and trying to figure out who exactly was “the good girl” In her spare time, Tinky dreamt violently, thrashing his legs, presumably chasing deer. chipmunks or squirrels who dared enter her dreams. The quickest way to Tinky's heart was with a quality rub of her belly.
Tinky will be greatly missed by many, but none more so than her best friend and companion Jazmine. Through thick and thin, she loved her with all her heart, and though the pain she feels without her is great, it in no way would compare to having never had her in her life. Besides her companion Jazmine, Tinky leaves behind a host of family members and friends and many amazing friends throughout the years.
At the wishes of Tinky's family, give your dog an extra hug, belly rub, and treat.
Love You Dog in the same manner you would love yourself [❤]
Bell Family 


There’s so much to say, but mostly we miss you, Fuzz. You were the personality of the house, and now it feels empty without you. We’re thankful for the past 15 years, we’ll never stop loving you.


“Lexi was a smiling and happy pup who enjoyed playing ball and swimming at Deep Creek Lake the most. She had a forever wagging tail whether she was happy or sad. She loved spending time and snuggling with her dog dad and mom,  Bill and Jess. She was the big sister and protector to her best friend, Roxy. The two were inseparable whenever they swam or played. She was the gentlest and friendliest pup around who will be missed by all. 


He was a sweet boy, who brought joy to everyone's life. He was a little hero, and a best friend. He touched the lives of all those who knew him, and those who saw his pictures and videos of him fell in love with him too. He will always be remembered and loved for the amazing kitty he was. “Baby will forever be my sunshine, shining down on me and everyone he loved.”


Harold was a fun, playful, grateful puppy who left this earth way too young.  We rescued him at 9 months. He came to us afraid of everything and everyone.  Over time, he became the sweetest, most grateful, playful and funny dog.  He was just happy to be alive and cared for.  He followed his mom everywhere, wagged his tail every time we entered a room, loved his food, walks and running in circles in the yard.  He adored his dad and loved playing games with him and his beagle brother.  He even became friends with the cats in the house.  Harold, you are greatly missed.  We will love you forever and never forget the joy and laughter you brought into your lives making life so much richer.  A big piece of our hearts has gone with you.  We hope you are free and happy wherever you are. What a precious, beautiful boy you were never to be replaced. Thank you for being you and for your unconditional love. 

Mom, Dad, Elmer and Clementine


Harold was a fun, playful, grateful puppy who left this earth way too young.  We rescued him at 9 months. He came to us afraid of everything and everyone.  Over time, he became the sweetest, most grateful, playful and funny dog.  He was just happy to be alive and cared for.  He followed his mom everywhere, wagged his tail every time we entered a room, loved his food, walks and running in circles in the yard.  He adored his dad and loved playing games with him and his beagle brother.  He even became friends with the cats in the house.  Harold, you are greatly missed.  We will love you forever and never forget the joy and laughter you brought into our lives making life so much richer.  A big piece of our hearts has gone with you.  We hope you are free and happy wherever you are. What a precious, beautiful boy you were never to be replaced. Thank you for being you and for your unconditional love. 

Mom, Dad, Elmer and Clementine


    You came into our lives as just a tiny kitten, so unique in your litter. Proving yourself even more unique as we have gotten close with you as a family, you have been the purest hearted spirit and are always ready for love and affection – and some treats! You will be missed and remembered during your favorite meals that you politely ask to taste, putting Christmas gifts under the tree that you always try to open early, the nights we want your knocks on our bedroom doors, and the times we are in need of your lovin' and cuddles. We will carry you with us in our hearts and minds forever our Princess.
“Love   [❤]   , 
Your Family & Friends ”