
Ollie was our beautiful Russian Blue buddy and one of our best friends.  There are no words (or too many) to describe what a great/unconditional pal he has been and the countless hours of joy he brought to us.  One of our son’s (Bill) surprised us with him and his sister (Jayden) on my birthday in August 2008 when they were less than 2 months old, and he was always a loving family addition throughout his time with us.


Ollie was an indoor boy but he loved to go out with me (retired) to eat grass, watch birds, and enjoy the sun – he always stayed where I could see him and after 10 minutes or so, would allow me to bring him back into the house or come in on his own (walking next to me).  He had an alpha personality with his sister, but was always ‘hanging’ around us and doing something that made us laugh – carrying around household things to get attention, bringing papers to me off my desk, begging for a treat/cheese-its/peanut butter, catching an occasional mouse in the winter, etc, etc, etc.  He would always sleep with us and liked to jump on countertops/tables/into boxes and loved to be petted/scratched – purring the whole time.  The house now feels so empty without him.


Although Ollie was taken from us suddenly (without showing any symptoms), well before his time, and he will miss us; I’m sure his journey to pet heaven was a good one, because he always seemed to embrace a new adventure.  We and his sister will miss/love him for the rest of our lives.  RIP Ollie (6/10/08-8/12/20).


Lars passed away peacefully on Monday, March 2nd after a brief illness. He was approximately 14 years old and a family member for over 7 years.   


Lars came into my life a few months after my mom passed away.  He was a senior cat with a contagious upper respiratory infection at a shelter running out of quarantine space.  I was a recent college graduate who boomeranged back home. Everyone seemed to have moved forward with their lives but I felt stuck and overwhelmingly alone.  Knowing very little about cats, I signed up to foster on a whim. Lars, who went by Snowball at the time, narrowly escaped euthanasia. 


When we were driving home from the shelter Lars put his paw out from the crate that was sitting on the front seat of my car. It was reckless on my part, but I opened the crate.  He walked effortlessly across the center console and sat on my lap purring for the entire ride home. We were best friends ever since. 


Lars was resilient and strong, but equally vulnerable and loving.  He was found on the streets, declawed from his prior owners, scraping for food and covered in fleas.  Although he faced hardship early on, he pushed forward and still had love for the world. He would jump on the lap of a stranger and always enjoyed a nice belly rub.  He rarely left my side through out the day and always slept close to me at night, oftentimes resting his head on my pillow. There were times when his unconditional love felt like the only stability I had as I navigated my way to adulthood. Crossing paths was our lucky break, now I think my mom had a hand in this. 


Lars enjoyed walks through Sewickley. He didn’t care about the occasional glances when neighbors realized what was actually in the stroller. Lars was too busy feeling a fresh breeze on his nose and listening to the buzz of nature. 


When he was not outside Lars enjoyed watching Birds and Squirrel videos on TV, playing with string, listening to NPR, taking warm catnip infused bubble baths and napping in the sun.  Lars tolerated dressing up for holidays but drew the line at the groomer. I’m fact he had a spunky side and got kicked of 3 local salons in his lifetime. 


In the same token, Lars was not found of the vet, but we were lucky enough to have some of the best veterinary professionals by our side. 


Lars was loved by many, especially people who thought they weren’t cat people. He formed a special bond with my dad who still loved Lars despite the fact Lars peed on his bed and came into his home unannounced.  Lars also enjoyed watching sports and reviewing collegiate football film with his dear friend, Vince. Vince made sure Lars was always cared for, all the way up through his final days. 


After he passed, Lars’s body was donated to PVSEC for surgical training. It is our hope that this hands on experience helps veterinary residents navigate challenging surgeries with ease.  

Louis Vuitton


IN LOVING MEMORY OF LOUIS VUITTON. Louis passed away on Sunday March 1, 2020 at Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center after suffering from congestive heart failure. 


Louis was born in Pittsburgh, PA on March 15, 2005. His father was unknown. His mother was a stray cat taken in by a co-worker and friend of mine. Louis was the runt of the liter out of his five brothers and sisters. He also lived in Erie, PA for a few years. 


Louis was adopted at 8 weeks olds and immediately became my fur baby. He was so tiny I had to keep a bell on his collar to be able to find him. He was very playful and mischievous as a kitten. He was much better at climbing than he was at jumping. Once, he climbed to the top of an area rug rolled up in the corner and fell asleep. He became even more energetic in the following years. He would pound on the closet doors until you woke up and fed him. He did not slow down until nearly the end. 


Louis was very passionate about his sleeping spots, in the bath tub, the sink, inside the dresser drawer, under his blanket, next to his giant Eeyore, or on top of my head. He could always find the one sun spot in the house and would lay upside down in it. He would show off my standing on his hind legs. He was spoiled with only filtered drinking water or better yet, the water from my drinking glass. He only recently enjoyed Almond milk, catnip and ice cream. Although, his favorite treat was shrimp. He would’ve eaten the flowers had he been allowed. He had his favorite toy plush dog, maybe because the bell reminded him of his baby collar. He carried the dog around with him everywhere and seemed to share his food, sleeping spots and even his travels with. He loved having his beautiful long fur brushed. He was happy to go outside and lay on a porch but never strayed away. He did well in the car as he traveled since he was a baby. He was very receptive to pet sitting in the past few years with other dogs and cats and had even made a few friends he will miss. 


Louis outgrew a heart murmur he was born with. He successfully lived with diabetes for the past five and half years being insulin dependent. He was very strong cat and lived a long and happy life. He had his toy dog and his blanket with him at the end. I stayed by his side and remained with him even after he was gone. Louis will be forever missed and loved dearly. 


Thank you to Dr. Claudio Lagao for making Louis as comfortable as he could be until his passing. Also, to the staff at Green Pet Funeral Home and Crematory for showing Louis the respect he deserved. 


RIP Louis Vuitton  [❤] ️



On February 23rd we lost one of the best dogs we've ever had. Butters was a senior dog that we adopted but he never acted like one. His favorite things were ripping the squeaker out of his toys and playing with his ball. He will be deeply missed by all that knew him.


Ms. Cassia was born January 30, 2013.  She brought love and joy to her family for seven years.  Smart, mischievous, lively, and loving, giving many kisses and hugs, and loved belly rubs. She and her sister from the same litter were inseparable, loved to play together and were true soul mates, as long as she was the boss. Cassia was a master of the side eye and would not hesitate to use it when she felt the need.  She enjoyed barking at cats, cars, ups trucks and anyone walking near her yard.  Cassia will be missed by many, but none more than her mom. Cassia leaves behind a sister Aura, her aunt Diann, and her mom. Please give your dog extra hugs, treats and belly rubs.


Suddenly on Friday Feb. 7th, we lost our precious Bella.  Soon after being rescued she sweetly melted into our hearts with her silly personality and unconditional love.  Zoomies and Piggies were some of her favorite hobbies.  RIP – BellaLoo – You are Greatly Missed and Never Forgotten!


Sweet Gilly girl, your life was too short and your gentle soul will never be forgotten. We love you. 


It is with a very heavy heart that we had to say goodbye to our beloved Brodie on Saturday, 2/8.  He was a wonderful companion and brought us years of love, laughter and joy!  He is over the rainbow bridge playing as he should.  He will be forever missed and loved!!  Till we meet again my sweet sweet boy!


Harry came into our lives as an abandoned kitten, someone left him outside during the winter back in 2009. We took him and his sister, Ginger and gave them a home.
Harry was a very loving cat. He loved to play with his toys and drop them at our feet.
He died suddenly and hopefully peacefully on a February 5, 2020
We we cherish his memory forever.

Montygrr Houdini

“I don’t want another cat, I have one,” I told my niece in August of 2009. “ I can’t afford it.”

  “But I no one else can take him.  My 10 month old pit bull is paying too much attention to him and Tiger “(then – now Tygrr)” is afraid of him.  Please take him, I don’t feel that he’s safe and I don’t want to give him to a shelter.”


   “All right.”  And after almost 11 years, I could not have afforded NOT to take him.


    So here he came, 5 ½ months of brains, charm, and good looks.  Why did I ever doubt?


   He spent his early days being manhandled by four young boys and landed in the home of a single “mature” lady.  And captured her heart.  And after 10 years he was given hyperthyroidism and lymphoma.  The first, very treatable.  The second -vicious, slippery, cunning, and unbeatable.  So, just 10 days short of his 11th birthday (yes, Valentines Day – he was a lover too)  Montygrr Houdini Havoc Bigger crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 


   Many adjectives have described this boy, often from his vet families.  Strikingly beautiful.  A real gentleman.  Curious.  A good cat. From his Aunt -weirdo.  From his Mom  – goofball, silly boy, my baby boy.


  But Montygrr H.H. Bigger would want me to leave you with this adjective to describe him:




He was a typical cat that ran when the doorbell rang, but if you were in the house more that two minutes he was right there in the middle of things to say hello and stay awhile.


And he wants you to know that he, and your beloved pet, and those persons who have found the Way are on the other side of that Rainbow Bridge watching, waiting, hoping, praying…To meet you again there.   So to honor them and to fulfill their hearts desire, do all that you can to find that Way, that Truth, that Life so that they can purr over you, lick your face, chase that toy until you both fall down with laughter, and then curl up on your lap or you feet and sigh contentedly knowing that you will be together forever.


So, from Montygrr Houdini Havoc Bigger and all his band of merriment: 


Come on over!  We are waiting!!!