
Heidi Lou Wednesday Bink Von BunBun
May 4, 2013 – March 6, 2023
Surrounded by her mom and Dad, husbun, Gomez, and with gentle music playing, Heidi binkied her famous energentic binky across the rainbow bridge on March 6, 2023. 
Greeting her with open arms were her older bunny sisters, Butter Cup and Dandelion, step-brother, Figaro, pupper Aunties, Daisey Mae, and Saidey Jane, her “Mampaw” Hank, Gepa “Meepaw”, her first- and very best bunny friend- Goldie Roche, and many many more family members, friends, and fur cousins. 
She leaves behind so many who loved her and miss her dearly:  her husbun of 5 and a half years, Gomez, her mom and dad, Gretchen & Rick DeOrio, her mamaw and uncle mampaw, Beth Bodamer & Greg Gardner, her great mamaw, Ge, her aunt Chelsea and cousin Apollonia, her Grammy Sheri, Sheri DeOrio, her first “boyfriend” Pat the stuffed bunny, and her soon-to-be sister wife, Betty White. She is also survived by so many amazing aunts, uncles, and friends. 
Heidi was born in 2013 to a family who struggled after being dumped in Bridgeville, PA. A man named Daniel found Heidi and her family at his business, where they were seeking shelter. Daniel and his daughter, Alexi, reached out to her AMAZING aunt, Jill Fisherkeller, who took in Heidi, her sister Alexi, brothers Daniel and Johnny, and more of their family. Heidi decided she was ready to find someone who was looking for a furever home, and she briefly moved into her residence at Animal Friends. On March 8, 2014, a girl and her mom came into a bun run and decided to meet Heidi. The girl always loved bunnies, and was looking to adopt a friend. Heidi knew, when she saw the girl, that this was her new mommy.
What Heidi didn't know is that her great great Grandma O'Brien passed away days before, and that she was bringing so much joy to the girl's broken heart. She made her new mommy's life so much better, giving kisses, cuddling, flopping, binkying, and being there through so many losses, triumphs, trips, moves, and her mom and dad getting married.  She worked as a part time maid, specializing in bedding, from 2014-2023. In 2014, she became a per-diem Nurse for her mom and future husband, Gomez. She also worked throughout her life as a freelance demo crew member for many Small Pet Select homes.
In 2016, she met her husband, Gomez, (retired KGB agent, Major Igor Puffington III) and they dated until 2017, when they decided to get married. They had a wonderful marriage full of tom foolery, cuddling, and taking care of each other. When one was sick, the other cared for them. Gomez stayed by her side until the very end, caring for her the way they always did for each other. 
Heidi loved everyone she met. She gave kisses, let you pet her and kiss her, but was spicy when you'd try to hold her and give her meds or trim her nails. Her sweet, gentle soul was also very sassy, and it was one of her best traits. She fought many illnesses and that sassy personality made her perservere no matter what. Her favorite music was classic rock (especially Pink Floyd), and piano music. Her favorite TV show was Property Brothers, and rarely did she miss an episode. She was a HUGE fan of Betsey Johnson, and even received a comment from Betsy after she shared her Midwest Bunfest glamorshots with Betsey Johnson gear! She had a very diverse palate, and her favorite dishes included banana, steel cut oats, pumpkin, and small pet select goodies. She was also an avid hay eater. Some of her favorite memories were her Aunt Becky's annual Hare Raisers Christmas party (where she met her bff, Goldie Roche), and Midwest Bunfest 2016, with her mom, aunt Donelle, and cousin Frida. During this trip, she committed the biggest bamboozle of all time- switching rooms with her mom and Aunt Donelle. No doors were open, yet Frida and Heidi switched rooms and woke up with the opposite mom. 
Heidi made my life worth living. She was there through so many life changes and ups and downs, and has helped me with my mental health, physical health, and the grief I've gone through. I don't know how I will be able to do this without her. Her sweet husbun will be given so much extra love, and her memory will live on. She made me a mommy, and I always called her my “first born”- I called her my baby no matter how old she was. I will miss her huge wet mouf boop kisses, chinning my glasses (and everything else) and funniness that gave me strength to get through every day. She changed my life and was the reason I went completely cruelty free, and rally for change and get involved with rabbit education. We are forever in debt to Suaz and Alyssa from Rabbit Wranglers, and Meg from Bunny Brigade. Suaz has spent many nights on the phone with me as I've cried and panicked, and nursed her back to health when she was extremely ill in 2017. We are so thankful for the love she received, the friends we've made, and everyone she touched. She loved you all so much, and I do too. 
And lastly, Heidi is forever grateful for her amazing care team: Dr. Wagner and Tracy, who have never, ever let us down, and have taken such amazing care of her (and us) over the years. She survived so many illnesses and injuries because of their care. 
On behalf of Heidi, Rick, and myself, thank you for all of your love and support. If you would like to honor her memory and also support and enrich the lives of so many rabbits, you can do so by donating to Rabbit Wranglers and/or Bunny Brigade. 
“Thank you for being my friend” Love, Heidi


January 2, 2010-March 5, 2023


Our beloved Nina Mildred Ganzy crossed the rainbow bridge Sunday March 5th 2023 at home surrounded by her loving family- Amy and Eva, as well as her fur brothers Doom and Baby and sister Mittens. Nina was a rescue received from the Humane Animal Rescue of PGH in 2015 estimated to be around 5 years old. She was the first of many to come into the household as we continued to rescue many senior dogs over the next few years. She was welcoming to each and every one. Her silly tongue and goofy personality was the highlight of our lives. She enjoyed short walks and to be pampered at her favorite groomers. She loved to dress up and always had a fun Halloween costume. Nina had the calmest and gentlest old soul and was often referred to as “Granny”. Her favorite place was to be snuggled in Evas bed. They would cuddle for hours and were each other’s best friend. 

She was loved by so many children, family, friends, and pets.

Her kitty sibling Doom was with her until the end comforting her by laying at her side. Nina was preceded in death by her fur siblings Molly, Virginia, and Delilah as well as her fur friends Buddy and China. Our family is beyond grateful for the outpouring of love and support we have received during this difficult time. 


Oreo Crumley
Oct 2020- Feb 18, 2023
Oreo was a very special and very loved long haired Siberian hamster(teddy bear). This sweet little guy got brought home after Pittsburgh had just gotten dumped with snow in December 2020. Over the next few years he got to enjoy traveling all over the place, all the way to Michigan and all the way down to the beaches in Virginia and North Carolina- he even got snuck into a military base! We were blessed with 2.5 years of snuggles and cuddling with him. He was especially loved by his owner Calli, her Mom, and Calli's Uncle, Joe who spent countless hours holding very still while Oreo slept in his arms. Oreo loved to run in his wheel and forage for food. A favorite past time was to move his house and rehide his stash while he came running and tried to pack it all back in his cheeks! He sure loved his treats, some of his most favorites were to eat the little strings of bananas like spaghetti, licking avocado off  fingers, noodles, cucumbers, and of course any kind of fruit! He was very particular about his food, he would peel the skin off of almonds and was even able to eat just the fleshy outside of sugar snap peas while leaving the inside film. Oreo enjoyed packing his cheeks with goodies and had a very intricate system of which ones went into his house, and which ones were eaten and “hidden” behind his wheel. Oreo always thought “he was people,” he would stand on his hind legs for a long time while everyone watched as he wobbled but stayed there. Oreo was so smart, he could even destroy things from inside his ball, he pulled a sock and curtains into the tiny slats that were no wider than his teeth and shredded them. His favorite thing to do besides escape, was to sleep with people. He often would snuggle right into you and close his eyes and go to sleep. He would stay like that for hours, giving everyone so much enjoyment. When he escaped, you'd find him creeping around close to the ground and 2x's his normal length! Oreo got to even enjoy the outdoors in the summer, sitting outside with his beloved Calli and his fur sister Olympia. He got to explore the grass and clover in the sun. He would occasionally snack on some of the wild flowers and made a meal of the hydrangeas. Each night, Oreo went through his “witching hour” and woke up and ran and jumped around on the bed. He was so fast! He was also so smart! When he first came home, he was sleeping in Calli's room and escaped. He went back into his cage where he was found the next morning. It was only known he even escaped because of the shredded paper towel that he brought into his cage to sleep on- clever little guy!

The time flew by so fast, and even 20 more years would not have been enough time. Oreo taught his family what God's unconditional love for us is like. Just as He knows every detail of us, we learned every detail of Oreo, from his little “cow ear” spots,  one black whisker, and tiny little pupils in what look like “just” black eyes, down to his tiny little “chicken feet”.  
“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10: 26-31
Oreo you are so, so loved, and will be so missed. You left your gentle little paw prints all over our memories, and a hamster-sized hole in our hearts. 


Bellamy Cash

“Our Little Otter”

Written by Alicia Chabin

            “You can’t have just one”. Words and a belief that always rang throughout me and Scott’s homes. Our respective households overflowed with a deep love for animals, and it showed in how our families always included more than one dog, cat, or other animal at a time. We followed in that belief of, “you can’t have just one” when we grew into adults ourselves and realized we needed another cat to add to our family upon moving to Steel City. Walking into the Humane Society one day, our destined new addition sat almost awaiting us in his cage front and center. This small little ball of black fur looked on at us and seemed to silently tell us, “It’s me! I am the one you are here for!”. That little cat stood correct. Almost as quickly as we saw him, I filled out the paperwork to make him ours as he nuzzled up against Scott’s leg relishing in his victory of securing a new family that would spoil him for the rest of his life.

            Bellamy could serve as a poster child for a spoiled house cat. He stood aghast as he realized how many toys he could play with when he arrived home for the first time and wasted no time taking over playtime. It seemed like he never got a chance to properly play in his life before finding us.  The only thing he loved more than toys was treats of all kind. He soon got to a taste of every kitty friendly ingredient I prepared in the kitchen and ultimately worked his way to my sous-chef as he watched me prepare new weekly recipes. If was not overseeing my kitchen activities, he supervised Scott building new furniture or putting things together for our apartment. He inspected every bag, box, and tool and soon doubled as the second handy man of our home. His skills did not stop there, though. Just like me, Bellamy lived to entertain a party. Our house guests always could count on Bellamy greeting them with his toy for a quick playtime session before joining them at the coffee table for games. Our little man could make non-cat people change their opinion on felines in one night with his character and charm. His sisters, however, loved him for an entirely different reason,

            Unfortunately for our two other cats, Cheddar and Evelyn, Bellamy was the youngest and therefore, the instigator. He would want to play all the time, even as the girls tried to partake in their afternoon snoozes, or take the toys they played with in his rambunctious efforts. As much as he frustrated them sometimes, he made up for it in showing them love and cuddles. He did this by invading their personal space of course, but I think both the ladies knew their younger brother loved him with his whole heart. He also served as everyone’s watchful eye, always keeping an eye on the doors and windows for any type of intruder. This task is something he took on until the very end.

            During Bellamy’s last few days, it was just him, me, and his sisters. He slept by my side every night, followed me around the apartment, and insisted on extra belly rubs and chin scratches. He acted extra attentive when Scott left town before, so I thought nothing of his slight behavior change though in hindsight, I think he knew his time with his family was coming to an abrupt end. On his last night, we fell asleep in bed together watching Netflix like any other evening. I even went as far as explaining to him aloud how King Louis XV of France earned the nickname as “Louis the Beloved” though the reason for it escaped me. He of course did not understand what I spoke of, but looked at me barely interested nonetheless. He kept an eye on the door, keeping watch for me as I eventually dozed off. I told him what a good boy he was and relished in how lucky I was to find a cat like him before falling asleep with my little nighttime guard. The next morning, as devastating as it was to find him no longer with us, he chose to curl up next to my side of the bed in his final moments rather than somewhere by himself. He chose to stay by his person’s side until his very end.

Though Bellamy’s life was cut short, he made every day count and managed to squeeze a lifetime of joy and happiness into his short year and a half with us; both for himself and for his family. We will feel his absence for a long time, but we like to think that we will still try to trip us in the hallway late at night, insist on watching us complete our day-to-day tasks no matter how mundane, and keep a watchful eye on us for the days and nights to come. He truly made the most out of his life in our 1,000 square foot apartment, and we did our best to give him the best life possible. Thankfully at the end, I can say confidently that Scott and I gave our little man the greatest life a cat could hope for.


Muffin, you were our most loyal friend and companion. We thank you for 9 years of unconditional love to our family. We are so grateful for you.
We will never forget you as you will always live in our hearts.


Lynx Elliott (and his best buddy Shadow too, of course!) was a stray kitty who found his way to the Elliott's home in March 2021. Lynx very quickly adapted to his new home and family; Zach, Mary, Libby, Ducky, and Joyce! You could almost always catch Lynx looking out his favorite windows birdwatching when it was a sunny day, meowing by the front door to get outside and play on the porch or his favorite wooded hill, playing in and drinking the sink water, chasing his red laser toy, cuddling with Shadow or snuggling with Zach on his favorite blanket on the bed (after making muffins/kneading it like kitties do!), or playing with a straw, straws were his most favorite thing! Lynx is survived by his pal Shadow but the memories of him and all the great times will be cherished for eternity, never forgotten. I just know that Lynx is up in kitty Heaven being a good boy, playing with a bunch of straws, endlessly playing outside the house, and watching over Shadow and the rest of his family who he loved and gave him a great home for 2 years. 


As small as he was, he touched the hearts of many. An energetic member of the household his favorite activity was eating dried corn and running on his wheel all hours of the night (keeping his human owners awake while doing so). When not in habitat he'd love rolling around in his ball giving his 2 cat sisters and 1 cat brother opportunity to play with him. He will be missed dearly by all who had the chance to pet his tiny head. 


Moritz was a sweet and handsome boy who loved to sit on a lap or promote his mischievous ways.  He was a connoisseur of cat treats. He often brought a wet ball and laid it at your feet waiting for you to throw it so he could repeat.  His fur was silky soft and he had a fun and loving personality.  He was proceeded in death by a brother Jax and two sisters Elphaba and Maiya.  He will be fondly missed by his family Fran, Scott, Stephen, Chunk and Catsby.


Precious Urban           August 6, 2006 – – January 12, 2023

Precious was born in the neighbor’s window well two houses away. Her mother, Honey, had been abandoned along with Kitty, my other mother cat, during the early winter months of 2006. Honey and Kitty each came to my front porch for food and water for months.

Eventually Honey moved her litter of seven kittens to three other locations before she settled on the area beneath our shed. As I laid on the ground to observe the kittens‘ nursery, the tiniest black and white furball came my direction. I picked up the kitten. Fell in love. Named her Precious.

Honey moved her kittens one more time. I told Honey that I needed to collect her kittens for safe transfer into my garage. Honey escorted me each time, as I gathered the seven kittens and placed them into a carrier for our garage destination.

The family remained in the garage (minus our cars) for six weeks. We decided to keep Honey and Precious. The remaining litter we surrendered to the Animal Rescue League. The kittens most likely would be placed at a local farm to be barn cats.

Precious and Honey were inseparable. They always found a comfy spot together. Precious was the stereotypical scaredy-cat. With any sudden movement or sound, especially for my husband, she fled as fast as a bolt of lightning to safety. Visitors neither saw nor heard Precious.

She eventually came to accept my companionship and touch, especially after Honey’s death in May, 2020. I could hold her. Stroke her silky, long, black and white fur. Enjoy her soft purrs. Surprisingly, Precious began to except petting for my husband, too.

Sadly, my Precious Baby could neither conquer nor survive that nasty melanoma on her left ear. It had metastasized into lymph node creating a large neck mass.

 With love, peace, and calmness, Precious crossed the Rainbow Bridge and joyfully reunited with Honey.


My Dime Dime, I love you so much. You were such a crazy puppy, but calmed down and became so loving over the years. We all have so many amazing memories with you. 16 years is a lot of memories, but never enough. I wish you could have been by my side forever. I know you are here with me, even if I can’t hold you. I know you are up there getting unlimited Slim Jim’s and chest rubs, and have all the tennis balls and water bottles you could want to chew to pieces, and balls to pop and throw around. Jayda and Mandy are obsessed with ear licking, so I’m sure your whole head is soaked from them. 

My heart is completely shattered, but I know you are getting lots of love and everything you need. There’s a lot of people and animals up there to take care of you until Mama gets back to you. I can’t wait to hold you again. I would give anything to get donkey kicked in the middle of the night. I love you my beautiful baby girl. I love you so much.