
My beloved Midnight we rescued from a pittsburgh shelter on 11/23/2014. We did not have enough time together.  You were such a good dog. So protective and faithful.  You followed me everywhere.  I am going to miss our early morning walks at boyce Park. I felt so safe with you my baby boy. You brother Kota is so depressed and lost without you. He goes outside and barks for you, it's so heartbreaking.  We love you and miss you so much. I remember how excited you used to get when I put food in the bird feeders, you followed close behind me everytime. I hope you are safe and warm. My heart is truly broken. I love you my baby boy.


Simba was survived by his Mom and his 2 sisters Charlie and Dyson. Simba was everything to his mom and will forever be missed.


Our Chuck, our little sweetheart. We love you so much . You brought us so much joy, especially when you messed with your Dad! You were a character and a very Intelligent and smart Dog! You loved the fireplace and when the heat came on at the register that's were you where! And at bedtime you loved sleeping between us because you loved being close to us. You will be in our hearts and prayers and minds Forever. 

            Love Mom and Dad 


Blu was the joy of our life and 2 years was too short. He was goofy, funny, always getting Into things he should not have. He was a master at getting things out of purses or drawers. He loved Nick and couldn't wait to smother his forehead and eyes with kisses. His whole body shook in happiness when daddy got home. Him and Cuddles were best buddies and she is lost without him as are we. Thanks for the time we had Blu.  We will miss you. Hope you are chasing and barking at Lucky in dog heaven.


Kika, affectionately known as Princess, Squeaks, or Squeaka, was truly a special girl. She was a favorite of anyone who ever met her.  She'd easily steal your heart before you even knew it. 
She was a fiesty girl who never shyed from chasing around her siblings. 
She was incredibly smart, strong, and expressive. She'd always tell you exactly what she wanted with her little squeaking noises. 
Though Kika lived to be 16, it still feels to soon. 
Our world is alot darker without you sweet girl.


Lex came into my life when she was just 8 weeks old and just a little fuzzball. She was such a sweet little girl. No matter where I was she would always come looking for me. Even when the firemen were here once she toggled through their feet in order to get out to the porch to where I was! When she got too weak to jump up onto the bed in the morning, she used to sit at the bed on the floor below my pillow and snort at me just to let me know she was there so I could wake up to feed her. Sneezy ended up being her best friend, and he is so lost without her. I am so lost without her. All of her kitty friends miss her and we will never forget her. Lex, I love you


At exactly 14:00 hours today, Monday, November 14, 2022, we lost one of the greatest dogs the world has ever known. It came quick, it came unexpectedly, and it is something you can never prepare yourself for.

He was our son and our sun. He was the center of our universe. How we go on from here I'm not exactly sure. But we will get through this together, because we have no choice. Our hearts are broken. But, over time, they will heal.

If I've ever needed your help before, I've never needed it more than I do now.

He was seven. I thought we had several more years yet.

He was rescued. But, he did far more to rescue us than we ever did to rescue him.

It was determined today that he had a tumor that had grown inside of his heart. Without warning this morning, he became lethargic and very ill. He went to the vet, and after x-rays and an ultrasound, it was determined that the tumor was bleeding placing extreme pressure upon his heart and he was suffocating. There was no treatment. We were not going to let him suffer. He was far too great to ever suffer.

Hemangiosarcoma – an extremely aggressive form of cancer in dogs. With it, they have days to live. There are no signs or symptoms till it is too late – only days after developing it.

I carried him in my arms.

The vet said had we not taken him in when we did he would have died at home. He would not have made it more than a day.

Tonight, hug the ones you love. And always cherish the memories of the ones you've lost. For tonight we have lost another.

The streets of heaven have gained another angel tonight.

To my son, Dusty, you rescued me far more than I ever rescued you. You were there through some of the most difficult times I have ever suffered in my life. Your love was unconditional. And, mine will remain the same.

I can only hope we made you as happy as you made us.

He died in our laps.

Our lives are forever changed.

Steve, we will get through this. For we have no choice.

Our house is going to be a little more empty to say the least. Losing the center of our universe sort of makes it that way.

Thank you everybody for the outpouring of support. But, this is going to hurt for a very long time.

I just wish we could have had a little more time and maybe just a little bit of warning.

We didn't get that.

Now if you will excuse me, we have a little more crying to do.

Right now, I can't see through the tears.

He'll never know how much he truly meant.

I mean every word of that.


Boulchan was a loving , sweet iguana. She loved to bob her head to say hello. Loved listening to music and ofcourse basking in the sun. Rescued at about 7 years of age, I was blessed to have had her for the next 17 years. She was strong and overcame several health issues. Her personality was as big as her heart. I miss and love her. Forever in my heart, my Boulchan.


RIP sweetest Daisy. We love and miss you so much


Athena “Bean” crossed the Rainbow Bridge early morning on Saturday November 19th. She was only 7 years young and passed in her sleep due to sudden complications. 
Athena was rescued into her forever home in 2016 and she lived a life of a princess. Spoiled with tons of walks, cuddles, kisses, and plenty of good snacks. Athena is a beautiful girl inside and out. Her personality is one of a kind and everyone that met her fell in love with her instantly. 
Although we wish we could have had so much more time together, we feel so thankful to have made years worth of memories with her and allowed her to grow in such positive and a loving environment. There wasn’t a single day in our home that she wasn’t reminded how loved she was. 
Athena you will be forever loved and forever missed. May you Rest In Peace and watch over us until we meet again. We love you, Athena.