
Chloe Mortimer was born in April 20, 2010 in McDonald, PA. She passed away after a sudden and brief illness on January 10, 2020 leaving behind her human Mommy, Daddy, two brothers and a sister. As well as her three fur brothers.  Chloe was sweet, smart, and beautiful.  She loved rolling around outside in the grass and snow, playing with her brothers, and being her Daddy's shadow.  Chloe is deeply loved and missed by her family.

Bill Clawsby

Bill Clawsby 
Also known as..
Bill E. Bob, Billie Boy, Dr. Huxtable, Bill Bo Baggins, & Dr. Billiard B. Clawsby, PhD.

You no longer greet us for scruffies
as we walk into the door,
And youre not here to make us smile,
To make us laugh anymore.
If tears could build a stairway
and thoughts a memory lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.
I know it'll take time to heal,
And for the silence to go away. 
I still listen for your footsteps,
And think back on the way you'd play. 
We will forever miss your Billy-ness,
And we know it may never be the same.
Play fighting, fetching, all that playfulness.
He has earned the worlds best “dog” name.
So when tomorrow starts without you,
Ill try to remind myself, we're not far apart-
Because everytime I think of you,
You'll be right there in my heart. 

Zoey Marie

 Zoey was born May 15, 2019. On July 15, I brought her home. She quickly grew on all of us, and became the center of the house. On January 3rd, she saw us pull into our driveway, and got so excited, she jumped out the third story window, breaking two legs, and ultimately being the reason we had to say goodbye. On January 4th, we made the decision to end her suffering. We said goodbye to our best friend, at just seven and a half months old. She was the sweetest dog you'd ever meet, and she will forever be missed. Rest in Peace, Zoey Marie. 


Stella was a beautiful, kind, gentle and loving therapy dog who brought joy and happiness to young and old.  Stella loved the reading sessions with the first graders at local elementary schools and libraries.  She visited nursing homes, VA hospital, assisted living and rehab centers.  As a Family Hospice volunteer, she visited homes where the family requested a small dog to sit on the bed of their loved one.
Stella had an active life as a teacup agility and rally dog.  Stella earned numerous titles over her lifetime.  In the fall of 2019, she received her second WCRL Veteran's Championship title:  RLVX2
Also, Stella had a special achievement to fame as she had the privilege of being in the Stanley Cup in 2016 and 2017 — a repeat sitter!
Stella will be forever in my heart and the hearts of others.


Zilla was such a great little gal who couldn't wait to come home with us from the show in Cheswick.  While her brothers and sisters where clamoring for the breeder at the show, she was the only one on the other side of the enclosure reaching for us, Maddie, Sharon and me, ready to go home.  It was an easy decision. It is true that our pets, no matter dog, cat or bearded dragon, will select their people rather than the people selecting them.  


My Nitty Cat

Nittany came into my life 15 years ago.   She was a beautiful calico.  It took a little time to earn her trust but once I did she loved me and I loved her unconditionally.  She loved sitting on my lap and purring.    She loved sleeping in my bed or wherever I was.   She seemed to choose me as her best friend and I am much honored that I was the chosen one.

She was often misunderstood since she was timid and afraid of other humans …. her “hiss” was her defense.   But once you gained her trust her loving nature came through.   You needed to befriend Nittany on her terms.   Nittany lived and ultimately died on “her terms”.

She loved running and playing throughout my house with her brother Noah.  When he passed away in November she missed him terribly.   I like to picture them now sitting on the rainbow bridge together or with Pappy in heaven.  

Love and Miss you forever my Nitty Cat.


Kenzie came to our lives as a 10 month old puppy. She had been returned to the breeder, because Kenzie's previous owner was not able to keep her. She came to us with grit and determination. After having her for a year, we found out that both her back ACLs were torn. She ended up having two surgeries at PVSEC, where Dr. Pardo inserted plates and screws in her knees. Those surgeries could not keep her from being an active Siberian. Kenzie ended up with the nickname “Warrior Princess”. Nine years is too short, but what Kenzie brought to us enriched our lives, and she will always be a part of our hearts. 


Andrew stole my heart from the first day I saw him, and he continues to have it after his passing.  When I got him, he was petrified of everything, and slowly but surely came out of his shell.  By the time I had him for several months, he was venturing into the living room and mainly the kitchen to steal food that was on the counter.  He turned into this dog like cat, that would not let you pass him up on the steps without rubbing his belly.  Whenever dad (Wojtek) would take his shoes off after work- there you were demanding the belly rubs.  You stole every imaginable piece of food causing us to be quite creative in how we hid things.  It didn't matter the spice level, you stole it.  Every single meal, you were there giving us the puppy dog sad eyes until we caved in and fed you.  At the kitchen table, you gave your best performances on the bench to earn your treat via your cuteness.  I'm so sorry I couldn't do more to save you- I was not ready to let you go.  I did not think you would need to go this soon after  hearing of your leukemia- but I'm so happy you did not suffer for a long time.  We already miss you so much, and I can say things will never be the same.  Watch after your brothers, Malcolm, Hadji and Eddie.  We love you my baby, my little Andrzej. 


Oscar came into our lives and took over our hearts. He was loved endlessly and gave us the most unconditional love any dog could give. He was the most living caring dog we have ever met. We will love you forever. Sadly missed Mommy and Daddy! Your sisters Molly and Baby kitty and your boy Blue. Your humans Adam , Cassandra , and Camille. Your special cousin Megan Aunt Didi , Mikey and Taylar!


Noah was such a special cat.   Very mischievous at times but that only made us love him more.   He came into our lives 15 years ago …  he was suppose to be my daughter’s cat while she was away at school at Penn State University … but he was quickly “kicked out” when the landlord discovered him.   At first my Husband was not too thrilled to welcome him into our home.  But that quickly changed.  He took over our house, our bed and our hearts.    He loved to sneak into the garage any chance he got.   And he was a talker  …..  meow, meow meow, meow!!!   He would always be waiting for us at the door when we would come home.   He and my husband were best friends until my husband passed away.   Ironically he passed on my husband’s birthday … it helps me to think of them reuniting that day  ….  what a wonderful birthday gift    These past few years he became my constant companion.   I miss him tremendously and am heartbroken but look forward to seeing him again at the Rainbow Bridge.   Love you Noah!!!!!!