
She was such a spunky, full of life girl, always happy to see us and go on adventures with her Daddy. We loved her like a child and will miss her so very much. Mommy & Daddy will miss you everyday, you are loved forever and are in our hearts sweet baby.


Capone “Michael ” 
On 8/1/2022 crossed the Rainbow Bridge peacefully with his mommy Chrissy and sissy Raelee their comforting him.  Capone was the love of his family.  Everyone that ever met Pony man instantly fell in love with him.  When we first rescued Capone his health wasn't the best and things were tough for him.  But with are love he got better day by day. He was his mommies best friend, he was always waiting at the door wagging his tail when anyone came over, he was protective of those he loved. 4 years ago he started having seizures and were were not sure why. Even after countless tests they still could not give us a answer.  Capone would've turned 14 on 8/24. He gave us the best “almost” 14 years all the love he gave will never be forgotten or could ever be replaced.  A huge part of our hearts and soul left with him.  
Mommy misses you more then words could ever describe my best friend.  Daddy still looks to give you treats and your brother and nieces will always love you and hold you in their heart. Mia is lost without you.   Run free my baby no more pain or seizures. 
I'll will see you in my dreams til you meet me at the bridge.


8/1/22 we lost our pride and joy Phil. Not a day will go by where we won’t think about you or miss you. You were and still are the best Christmas gift anyone could ask for. Over the last 10 years we got to spend with you. You taught us unconditional love. Always there everyday no matter what. And now that your gone there’s a hole that will never be truly filled. Since 12/15/13 you were everyone’s best friend you were never truly a cat, but a major part of this family. Phil was also a cat of many names such as moose,bubba,smoo smoo, old man. Your work here is done and you have family waiting for you on the other side. Thank you for giving your whole life to us. And we will meet again once we cross over that rainbow bridge just like you did. 


Our sweet, precious, boy gave his best to all of us for 15 years. You stole our hearts from the very first time we laid eyes on you when you were just six weeks old.

You were a part of everyaspect of our lives as we celebrated birthdays, holidays, and even sick days- you were always right there at every turn. Everyone loved you and enjoyed seeing you greet them at the door whether it was the delivery person or family and friends. It was so cute to see how you welcomed everyone because you knew they were there to see you too. Nikko, you were first class all the way, your manners and etiquette was always on full display- you kneeled and bowed your head while we led you in prayer at every meal. You sat and waited for mommy to get in her bed at night before getting into your bed which rested at the foot of ours. Nikko, you even kept your 4-legged cousins in check whenever they came for a visit; you would let them know when they were outside that they were not allowed to go off the deck or wander into the neighbor’s yard; if there was a remote chance that they were trying to, you would fuss at them and guide them back.
Nikko, everyone knew that you were a mommy’s boy. Every time you were in mommy’s arms
nobody dared to take you away otherwise, they were going to get the look and a snap! Lol! Our
Sweet Angel, life is going to be so different without you. No longer here to give us countless
kisses, coming to the side of the bed to wake mommy and daddy up each morning, going to the
boy’s bedrooms after breakfast to greet them, facetiming Raquel at college, or waiting for Erica
to stop by for a visit. You would get so excited about going to Duquesne and Pitt to see the boys
at school- you were so popular and loved all the attention that you received from the students.
You also loved your daddy time, going for car rides to the store with dad, as well as just hanging
out in his office with him while he worked. You followed mommy everywhere she went around
the house as she moved from one room to another. You would even stay up with her past your
bedtime if she was up late working or studying. You loved Sunday football. Every time a game
was on you would get your toy and run around then run a touchdown by hopping up on your
couch, and we all would cheer you on by saying “yaaaaay touchdown Nikko”! You loved it and
so did we!
Our Sweet Angel, thank you for giving us so much love and filling our home with so much joy.
It will not be the same without you. You will live in our hearts forever- we will love you forever
and always, our sweet boy. Rest peacefully, Nikko. Love Mommy and Daddy, Erica, Isaiah, Kyle,
and Raquel. 


Luna Mooney-Kerr. May 23, 2011 – July 13, 2022. Also known as Luna Tuna. My best friend. My Soul Dog. I cannot believe my sweet girl isn’t with us anymore. To say we are heart broken is an understatement. As I sit here and look back on the thousands of pictures I have of her on my phone, I can’t help but smile through the tears because she lived the BEST dog life possible. And I know it was because of the life my husband and I gave her. She was always with us, we took her on so many family trips, and we never boarded her once so she was ALWAYS with her family. She swam in lakes, oceans, and streams…chewed millions of bones and deer antlers…and was the most pampered/spoiled dog out there. She was always living her BEST life. She welcomed our children with grace and was always by their side, no matter how many times they pulled her tail or jumped on her, and not once did she ever snap at them. I took her to dog events in Pittsburgh, entered her into competitions, and she was always impressing everyone with her roll over trick or her treat on her nose/flip into her mouth trick. She was the smartest and most loyal dog out there. There will never be another dog for me that will ever compare to my Luna, she will always be my #1. I love you so much Luna, this isn’t goodbye, it’s simply see you later.


Affectionately known as Jacey Cat, Jace was  born on October 16, 2008.  He and his twin brother Jack were both adopted from Animal Friends and have led a long, spoiled life with their humans.
Jace was a #1 hunter, and never met a lap, or human that he didn't like, even if they weren't so keen on cats……..if there were cuddles or pets to be had he was always first in line.


Gabby began his life outside and was first noticed by his humans in January 2021 when he was nearly 1 year old. It took many months of food, treats, and playing with toys through the door, but he finally trusted his new humans and decided to be an indoor cat.

His Dad wasn't ready for another cat when Gabby came along, but Gabby quickly became his nighttime buddy, accompanying him in an otherwise sleeping house to get water and late night snacks. The love blossomed from there.

Gabby loved playing with all toys, especially the “bad snakey” fleece ribbon, his fuzzy opossum, and his circular ball track. But what he loved even more was to surprise his feline siblings with his favorite game of hide and pounce. His siblings, on the other hand, did not love this game.

Gabby enjoyed being petted and scritched everywhere and was even fond of belly rubs. He frequently ran ahead of the humans just to flop in front of them to demand pets and attention. And while getting brushed, he would roll from side to side to ensure no spots were missed.

Gabby was lively and fun. He made his presence known and was always interested in attention, whether that be pets, play, or cuddles. He brought continuous excitement to the lives of his siblings and humans.

Gabby is and will forever be missed by his humans.

Alice Quinn

Gone too soon, Alice passed away in her human mother’s hands, comforted and loved. The same hands that raised her all 12 years of her life, since she was 5 months old. She was known as Al, Little Al, Dragon Lady, and Tiny Dinosaur. She livened up the home with her family flight call, alerts, happy noises and whistles, and kisses. Her flight call was a simple two clicks, established in 2010 when she was about 6 months old, which was used her whole life, and then she had a second call, years later, of a long and short whistle. She loved new toys; singing and dancing to big band music (especially Louis Armstrong); an array of foods but particularly popcorn, pomegranate seeds, apple, and sunflower seeds; bathtime and showers; head scratches; meeting new people; opening her Christmas presents; and giving “bedtime-bedtime” kisses. She left an impression on everyone she met because of her gorgeous rainbow colors, intelligence, sweetness, and big personality. We would like to thank her for alerting us and protecting us from the big birds, airplanes, and other questionable activity outside her window and thank her for the love she brought to our lives, just as we loved her so much in return.


On May 15, 2022, Sebastian, age 14, passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family. He will be dearly missed by his human mommy and daddy Heather and Doug. Sebastian loved to do laps around the couch. He would follow us around the house and meow letting us know it was time to feed him. He was the sweetest, most affectionate cat. We love you and miss you Sebastian. 


My sweet Gene was in my life for 3 years and during some of the hardest parts of it. He brought me and everyone he came in contact with so much joy. He was the sweetest cat I’ve ever had, and he loved his peoples, cheese, and being my boyfriend’s sous chef in the kitchen. I’m so thankful for all of the time I’ve gotten to spend with Gene. He loved watching birds and going out on his harness to explore the yard. His energy and meows were infectious and he always wanted to snuggle. He is dearly missed and gone too soon. He was 3 years old and the best boy. His sisters Tina and Louise miss him very much. I’ll love you always my sweet Gene boy, and I miss every single day without you.